Fox? I'm thinking Bobcat... ***Pics added***

I really think that it is a coyote print. Coyotes have just about that same exact size print. It says you are in Casa Grande...I know you guys have coyotes running around there. Every bobcat print I have seen and every live bobcat has had bigger feet then that. A coyote could easily jump your fence. I just can't see any wild animal covering its food like that right there.
Only if the food is right next to there den.
Sorry for your loss

When I was younger we had a bunny and it lived in it's own custom bunny home that my dad built. It was built out of strong lumber and reinforced wire. We lived in the city and thought for sure nothing would get it. We'd never had a problem, ever with predators.

One night I woke up to dogs barking and couldn't figure out what it was. I looked out my bedroom window, which faced the backyard and the bunny cage and there was a coyote trying to get my bunny. I woke my sister up, and the rest of my family with my screaming. What we seen was amazing to say the least, atleast I thought so. That coyote was charging the wire window with his head trying to bust it in. He would go run up the hill by the neighbors front porch charge down the hill at an angle and hit the pen head on until the wire gave way and he was able to extract my precious white bunny for dinner. My dad didn't make it down there in time. I never had another bunny growing up either. Dog/coyotes/foxes will do just about whatever it takes to get to what they want, especially if they are hungry enough.
Well, after some investigation and talking to the neighbors about the problem, I think I've come to the conclusion that it's a bobcat. I've had the trap set for about a week now with no luck and not more problems. My neighbor across the street on a 10 acre lot has 2 of his hens killed on Saturday morning, so it is making the rounds. I'm thinking about marking the yard with urine (does it matter if I use mine or does it have to be man's urine to deter predators? Not sure if I will do it or if I will be too grossed out! HeHe...

We'll see if we can catch anything! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
The logic behind using urine is that the testosterone is what drives the animals away. So male urine would be higher levels of testosterone and would be easier to "dispense" fresh into the yard.

So maybe have some male guests over and offer them plenty of water and other liquids, then point them in the correct direction.
You trap them the same way. You can get bobcat urine at most sporting goods stores or you can use urine from a house cat.

The FIL traps like that and gets up to ten bobcats during the season here.
I wishe you lived closer to me, I would be more than happy to save some of Chris' (tomcat) urine for you. It's pretty potent. whew!
I am so very sorry for your loss.

Is a coyote paw print and it doesn't match the prints that you have posted. They leave claw-marks and the pictures that you have posted show NONE.


Is a bobcat print. That looks much closer to what you have posted.

I couldn't find a good picture of a fox (they are all draw out) but a fox also shows claw marks.

I gotta say, BOBCAT

We have bobcat problem here also. They drive my donkey NUTS! ONe of my dogs hunt bobcats. She protects the livestocks from them. We are keeping one of the 8 puppies my other dog had. That little boy will be trained also to protect the chickens and keep bobcats, racoons, and other predators out of my chickens.
sounds like a cat...had one take a goose once... it's just kinda odd that it coverd them right there. here they hit and then they are gone, if they ever come in close.

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