Fox? I'm thinking Bobcat... ***Pics added***

I have been anxiously awaiting you telling us that you trapped a bobcat. Bobcats do have large range and it may be quite some time before he/she comes back again. Longer if it is a he as males have a larger range. I am not for sure, but I do not think they (male, female) will overlap their ranges. I am very hopeful you catch the little booger. Bobcat pelts bring good money. Enough for a great fence. Good luck to you.
"Bobcat pelts bring good money. "

Probably not so much this year. The market doesn't look really good for the fur market. The pelts are worth quite a bit if they are large, well spotted, and with white bellies. They prime a little later and won't be worth much before November or December.
Sounds like a Bobcat to me too. However, coyotes have been known to scramble/climb a fence too. I would buy a big trap and if nothing else, use a cheap lunchmeat or cheap hot dogs to bait it if the carcasses spoil too much to use. You may want to reinforce the trap. I know a guy who caught a coon and it tore one of those apart. A big coon could do the climbing easily, but not sure if their paws get as big as 2".

One thing is sure, it got a meal and knows where to come back for more. You haven't seen the last of it unless another person gets it before it returns.
I forgot to mention it but coons are the reason I put a fence charger around my pen. It is a 5-mile (4 KV) charger. Costs around 70 cents a year to operate according to paperwork that came with it. I put up four courses of hotwire/insulators and included the gate. Fence is 2x4 welded wire, set in cement at base, 6 ft tall. Nothing overhead as pen is 2000 sq feet. ( I have a lot of resident crows and they never give any hawk or owl a moments peace.) I am still going to get a trap just to be sure that I keep the preds thinned out in my neighborhood. At dusk, I always walk out to coop and lock the ladies in for the night just to be sure of no incidents.
Still haven't caught anything, but there is also no evidence that anything has returned.
I'm still keeping the trap set and baited in the hopes that we can get the perp! I've been using wet cat food for the moment, because it is stinky and I had a can left over from when my kitty was sick. The funny thing is that the pieces keep disappearing from the trap after they've been out there for 2 days. I susspect a mouse or rat? Something small enough not to effect the trap at all. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and I'm looking for things to build hutches out of for more bunnies. That way I can put them in the hutch at night and let them out in the morning. Hopefully that will help! I appreciate your input everyone. Esspecially the talk about pelts, I didn't even think of that. Keep your fingers crossed it's a pretty one! LOL...
A live animal trap. It is probably too small, but it's 12" X 12" x 37". It is the only one we could find around here. I've been thinking about ordering a spring trap (I think that's what they called), but I don't know how to use them. I've found them for about $15 including shipping online. Any suggestions?
You cannot trap a bobcat in a trap that size. it is way too small. As for the pelts.... You better check with your local game warden on that one. Bobcats are protected species in some areas (probably not Arizona) but you can't just trap an animal and skin it whenever/however you want. Plus, a desert bobcat's pelt is probably not worth much, usually only cold weather ones are worth anything.
Mrs. Puff makes a good point. Bobcats are often considered furbearers with seasons and necessitating a trapping license. Check with your wildlife management agency on it.

The cat might go into a trap that wide, but it a height of 18" would be a minimum, I'd guess. A foot hold or snare would be a better bet if not a larger box trap.
Thanks for the concern. I spoke with Arizona Department of Game and Fish and they said that I'm covered, because it killed livestock. In this case we can use any legal means to rid ourselves of the problem, including killing the animal responsible. It's not like I'm just hunting Bobcat in my backyard. They said that there would be no legal problems with trapping and disposing with the animal. I honestly wouldn't have the guts to skin it or anything. It will probably just be drown and buried.... Seems a waste, but I can't have it around killing the animals!

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