Fox took my rooster :-( Will my hens still be laying eggs fertilized by him?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 10, 2011
We had a day time visit from Mr Fox on Saturday. He took my rooster and a hen while they were out free ranging.
I would like to know the chances of the eggs that are being laid now by my 2 remaining hens still being fertile.
It would be nice to incubate them and get son out of my lost soldier.

I just recently hatched eggs from a lost rooster like your case. Didnt put them in the incubator till week later. They all hatched
At least sevral days. Like the last poster said it sometimes can be longer but you for shure have 5 or 6 days to gather eggs . You could of course gather for a good solid week and just know there is a chance that a couple may not be but you have a pretty good chance. Im sorry for your loss .

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