Fragile eggs


May 20, 2020
Central Virginia
I would appreciate any advice on this topic. About a month ago, I discovered a shell-less egg in our nest box. We have four hens, but I am not sure which one laid this egg. There has always been one hen who lays eggs with thinner shells than the rest but again, I have not determined which one. Since that shell-less egg, there have been four or five instances where I discover an egg first thing in the morning broken amongst the coop litter. This egg has a paper-thin shell, and it appears that it might have been laid while the hens were roosting overnight, breaking on contact with the floor of the coop.

Our hens are a little over a year old and began laying at 26 weeks. We have one RIR, one Australorp, and two Buff Orps. Once they began laying they have had access to oyster shell for free choice feeding. I had been using Purina Layena + Free Range feed until about a month ago when I switched to Purina Layena + Omega 3. Both of these are layer pellets.

I have nothing else to report, no predator attacks or scares during this time period, no severe weather events. I live in Central Virginia where our weather has continued to be warm (80s) until the last few days which have been cooler/fall-like. If anyone has any thoughts I'd be happy to hear them. Many thanks.
whichever one it is either isn't taking enough/any oyster shell or can't metabolize it as well as the others. Watch the oyster shell bowl to try to work out which one it is, and give her a human calcium + vit d tablet (widely sold for people in pharmacies).
About a month ago, I discovered a shell-less egg in our nest box.

about a month ago when I switched to Purina Layena + Omega 3.
Seems the feed change made it worse?

Are you feeding too many treats?
Fresh plain water always available?

Put out some oyster shell, can mix it with dried crushed chicken egg shell too.
I read today that the shells form from a combination of calcium, D3 and phosphorus. I have had similar issues before, but never solved it. I also read that apple cider vinegar can help with gut health which can help with digestion overall.

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