Fraud Alert.... Not sure if this is the correct place....

Thank you for informing us about this unsavory individual. Without your posting, more people would have lined the pockets of this seller.


It's oldenglishgamefarm, and yup, still selling 14 items. Made $54.50 off egg sales yesterday, but that's gross, not net.
I can't imagine ever buying eggs off of ebay. It seems 90% of listings show pictures of stock that they don't own and copied of the internet.

A major pet peeve too: he or she lists all of these birds as "Fullblooded". What does that even mean? That they are not selling mutts? If you list somethings as a specific breed and/or strain, I would think "Fullblooded" would be redundant. It just sounds stupid.
just went on ebay and saw that he has a positive from somebody . But the buyer also has a 0 rating. LOL And unless he has sold something before nobody has had time to get something shipped and recieved yet. UHmmmmmmm

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