Free Barred Rock Roo in CT


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
West Haven CT
"That would explain Little Jerry's poor egg production." I bought a Barred Rock hen that turned out to be a late bloomer Roo. He's in great condition, vet checked, and beautiful. Born in 2/09, and just started crowing, (which is how I figured out 'Grace' was really 'Jerry') I'm in a busy suburb, and this is no place for Litte Jerry - anyone want him? Or, dare I ask, how exactly do you find someone to dispatch a rooster? This would be my last choice but...
I would say advertising here, like you are...and on Craig's might add where you are in CT so if anyone is close (on BYC) it might grab attention. Hope you find him a home if he's a nice bird....
Did you find a home for this guy yet? I live about 30 minutes from you in Shelton, CT. Can pick up. Laura
Here's an update - Jerry went to CompSoil - terrific farm in CT where chicken poop is really valuable. They've got about 30 birds, 2 coops, lots of roosters, 6 hens, and rabbits. Jerry is the biggest one there so he'll probably be running the place in a few days.

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