Free chick from McMurray

My chicks arrived!!!!!!

Here's they are getting warmed up

Here they are learning to drink

Here's the biggest character of them all,my light brahma hen I'll open the door on the brooder and she'll come running to my hand. And get in the way of the other chicks when it's picture time

My gold polish hen

My free mystery chick is a blue cochin,pretty nice freebie I ordered a black cochin so I'd say there gonna be good pals. Hopefully it isn't a rooster.
But..........this is the first time I ordered from Murray Mcmurray and I didn't the free electrolyte packet for the chicks water which isn't a big deal and one of my egyptian fayoumis and one of black sumatra chicks died. The egyptian fayoumis was already died and the black sumatra died not long after being home. So that sucks but I got the credit on my account. But over all the rest are healthy and happy
McMurray is smart sending the "free" baby...First, IT"S NOT FREE! , why, because now I need some hens for our beautiful Lakenvelder rooster, "Fraia", who we've come to love...So, unless the hens are free too, HE WASN'T FREE! They got us and we love it! :) We got introduced to a breed we hadn't considered and want more! :)
He's a cool roo, when I sit in his coop, he climbs up my back and sits on my shoulder like a pirate's parrot! He lives with the polish and sultans till we get him some hens...
I was just talking to my hubby about this being a plan of theirs. If it is, it is a good one. He was thinking that it was a way to get rid of so many cockerels.
my sumatras
my new hampshire red and my salman faverolles
my dark cornish and my silver spangled hamburg
my white cochin and buff polish,
i also have 2 barred rock and a golden and a silver laced wyandotte, but i coul not find their photo.

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