free online breeding management software for poultry


11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
I've launched a free site containing an online breeding program for poultry at . It is still under construction and needs a bit of bug-fixing/polishing but you are welcome to have a look and leave suggestions. At the moment you can:

* Create Breeding Lines which define specific breeding objectives and how you are going to achieve them
* Make a record of specific Matings and their results and link these to Breeding Lines
* Make notes of your medication regime
* Record details of Egg Batches, Transactions and create Personal Reminders
* Export your entire management program in CSV (comma separated values) format for easy backup or transfer to other programs

You can also use the Breeding Program Manager to record details of individual birds:

* Date of hatch or acquisition
* Individual strengths and weaknesses
* Link the individual to a Breeding Line or Mating
* Many other details including colour, purchase cost, show results, temperament, susceptibility (or otherwise) to diseases & parasites and the individual's medication history.
* Generate a simple pedigree to 5 or 6 generations for an individual

The site is current targeted at an Australian audience but if there was enough interest it wouldn't be hard to create an international mirror or just expand the country/state selection lists. All the best!


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