FREE pair of emus!

Just be careful, it is best to get them when they are young and raise them around your animals. When they are not use to something, they see it as a threat and will stomp it. It makes them great as protection for a flock, once they know who to protect. Mine graze out with Seramas etc... I still don't trust them with chicks etc... though....They can be good pets too when trained...
Nigeria, for some reason, is a hot bed of internet scams, small and large. I would not enter to any financial transaction through Africa without a trusted broker in the US.
I'd be REALLY careful of a scam!!! They're probably not free. You may have to have them shipped to you. $200. - $300. dollars to ship, then you WON"T get them. BE CAREFUL!!!! I've heard this happens often.


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