free raging in the hood


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
I'm a 58 year-old teacher, wife, and mother of 18 and 20 year old college girls, two cats and three dogs. We live on 2 1/2 acres next to a horribly vocal free range rooster. I found this site because i googled the words : "repel rooster". . I currently live in a rural area on the Monterey Bay of California. My experience with back yard chicken farming spans back forty years. I should qualify that my experience as the neighbor[/b] of backyard chicken farmers is extensive and includes living next door to free range chickens in West Los Angeles in the seventies ,and sharing the backyard of my rented studio in West Oakland with "cluckers," in the eighties.

It is not my intention to raise chickens on my acres. I 'm here because, each morning for the past 2 weeks a free range rooster belonging to my neighbor, stands outside my bedroom window, screaming. The screaming begins at about 5am and is usually incorporated into some nightmare of mine. I hope to find some help on how to make the rooster stay away from my window, that's all.
Short of talking to your neighbor to pen him up or running him off yourself I don't think there is anything. The only real cure for a crowing rooster is freezer camp. I would talk to your neighbor. They may not even be aware that the rooster is causing you a problem.
From California!

Only thing I can think of is to get a dog?
I would talk to the humans who are responsible for him. As another poster said, the may not even be aware that he is coming over to your place and doing this. If you make reasonable requests and nothing is done, I would then notify them that if it happens again, you will not be responsible for any damage your dogs do to stray animals that come onto your property....
Thank you all for the prompt replies. I have 3 dogs. The rooster and his buddy are walking along our fence line and stopping right outside my window whiich is also next to the garage and that's where the dogs sleep. I'm sure that the neighbor doesn't know that it is bothering us. I wanted to do a little research before I approached the neighbor. In this neighborhood people are very sensitive to any negative comments. "The dog got into our trash" or "Pleae keep an eye on Fido, he's been coming over and nipping at our construction workers" are comments that have sorely offended our neighbors in the past. The last comment about the dog biting our visitors led to our children being banned from playing with the neighbor's only child. Any comment can be a big deal cause there's some mental health issues going on over there. The lots here are 2 1/2 to 5 acres and it's just my luck that with all this room, the rooster picks our property liine, by my window to do it's screaming. If I wasn't so sleep deprived I'm sure that I could find the humor in it! I was hoping that there is some natural remedy that I could put near our property line to keep the bird away.
Wish we had something more to help you with. Maybe he is crowing at you to get you to come to BYC and be friends with all of us!

Yeah, yeah, that's it, the rooster knew about BYC... LOL

You are more than welcome to join into the conversations, and there's a lot more going on here than just chickens. We're a good community of folks here, pretty diverse group from all over the world. Someone with a "natural remedy" for your rooster issue may still chime in with a response, so keep coming back and hang in there with us!


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