free range or run to beat the heat?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Central VA
Heat has been 102-104 over the past week here in VA. My hens have a large run that's always in the shade and are given frozen veggies, cold oatmeal, etc. in the afternoons to try to keep them cool but they are still panting like crazy. And don't seem to be drinking enough water. They get to free range in the evening hours, but I'm wondering if they would be more comfortable being free all day, going into the surrounding woods and along the creek to do their thing. They usually dig deep holes in the run and lay in them, but don't know if that's enough. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have to keep them cool!
Yeah, They're hot here in central Texas as well. I let mine free range and they find the spots that are most comfortable for them. I have a huge hackberry tree down by their coop and that's where they spend most of their time. I'm constantly hosing poop of our back porch and back yard close to the house. When that side of the house is shady they like to lounge around the wet areas and stay cool. So I started to hose the ground around the HackBerry tree. They really like the coolness of the wet ground. They are very active when I let them out at sunrise. About 10 or 11 they settle in at the HackBerry. About 6 in the evening they get active again and hang around the back of the house.
What you are asking is a hard call. Free-ranging would allow them to find the coolest places available, but at the same time, it would expose them to predators.

It is so hot now in so many parts of the country. Poor chickens all across the USA are panting.

Plenty of fresh water, If you can put frozen plastic jugs in the runs, plenty of deep (not dappled) shade, Watering down the surrounding dirt, putting out pans of water for them to wade in, wetting down the run-shade or tarp if you have one... It is about all that you can do ----

Good luck -- hang in there...and hopefully the heat-wave will pass and cooler weather will come in.

What you are asking is a hard call. Free-ranging would allow them to find the coolest places available, but at the same time, it would expose them to predators.

It is so hot now in so many parts of the country. Poor chickens all across the USA are panting.

Plenty of fresh water, If you can put frozen plastic jugs in the runs, plenty of deep (not dappled) shade, Watering down the surrounding dirt, putting out pans of water for them to wade in, wetting down the run-shade or tarp if you have one... It is about all that you can do ----

Good luck -- hang in there...and hopefully the heat-wave will pass and cooler weather will come in.

This weather is all summer every year where I'm from. 100+ starts in June and stays until mid Sept. every year. I gallon frozen jugs of water in the waterers are essential everyday. Shade is a must. If you don't have trees, set up a tarp/tent. Put food and iced water under and misters overhead. If your lucky like me, you have a gigantic tree close by. Its almost dark under there during the day. All I need is the is the iced water and frozen treats from time to time.

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