Free ranging


5 Years
May 2, 2014
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Right now my chickens are in an enclosure and can't run the yard. We would like to let them loose, but don't want to have to herd them up at dark. Will they go back in their coop and nest by themselves when it starts getting dark? Will they lay eggs all over yard or just in the nest in coop?
Hello & welcome! You don't say how old they are or how long they have been in the current run & coop. Generally, chickens are pretty smart (but there's always one!) and will go into the coop of their own accord when it starts to get dark. You may have to supervise for a few days just to make sure, but it should all be set within a week. If they already come to you for food/treats, rounding them up at night should not be a problem. Get them used to a bedtime treat and they will come running to you! If they are currently laying in the nesting boxes, they will most likely continue to lay in the boxes - they're not real fond of changes in their routine. how are you going to secure the coop if they put themselves to bed? Do you have a 'pullet shut' door or similar? Hope this helps,enjoy your girls
Yes, we have a door that shuts on the nesting area and a small floor area. It is secured at night against nigh preditors. We have had them a few months but got them as adults. We have 7 hens and no rooster. Just wanted fresh eggs and we get quite a few of those. Thanks for the help.
If you keep them in the coop for a few days before letting them free range they will go back and know that the coop is their home. Same with eggs, once the build a habit its hard to break.
If you keep them in the coop for a few days before letting them free range they will go back and know that the coop is their home. Same with eggs, once the build a habit its hard to break.
agree ^^^when I started i had just a few girls and no rooster. and once they know where their roost and nest boxes are, their pretty smart and sun wise on when to get back to the coop :)

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