Freedom Ranger Vs. Heritage Breeds

I wonder, if you breed a leghorn with a cornish, what would that be like? You would probably get a very fast growing bird, smaller than a cornish, with much better egg quality, but not as good as leghorn; probably as good as dual-purpose breeds. At least, that is my guess.:confused: Anyone want to try that one out for me? (I don't have any cornish).:oops::hit
I wonder, if you breed a leghorn with a cornish, what would that be like? You would probably get a very fast growing bird, smaller than a cornish, with much better egg quality, but not as good as leghorn; probably as good as dual-purpose breeds. At least, that is my guess.:confused: Anyone want to try that one out for me? (I don't have any cornish).:oops::hit
If I'm not mistaken a couple of the universities did some studies into hybrid vigor using Leghorns. Google Leghorn hybrid vigor studies
Don't know. I would think you get a dual purpose bird if you cross a Cornish Cross with a Hybrid White Leghorn. But probably not because it has no Hybrid vigor.

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