French Black Copper Marans

Duck Drover

6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I hatched this chicken three months ago from eggs I bought from the breeder. It is supposed to be a French Black Copper Marans (Wade Jeane's line) but I also hatched Barnevelders from the same breeder. The comb was smaller than my cockerels and it had not turned red when their's did but it was a bit bigger than the pullets so I was not sure. My friend wanted a Barnevelder pullet so she took this chicken with her for companionship when she moved it to her flock. I agreed to take it back if it is a cockerel. She sent me this picture today and I need help determining gender and breed. It has a red comb and wattles now and it also has copper feathers that extend past its neck. What gender and breed is this chicken?
It is at that awkward in between stage not really looking like either sex but at 3 months the comb and wattle is large.
From what I am getting in the picture it looks like it is getting more gold on its back that is another indicator it might be a rooster.
Some better pictures would help.
The cockerels were solid black with large red combs and wattles at an earlier age. They may be more copper now, though. Does it seem like this chicken could be a Black Copper Marans / Barnevelder cross? It is different looking than anything else in the clutch I hatched from purchased eggs. The woman had both French Black Copper Marans and Barnevelders so I got eggs from both breeds to hatch. This chicken has the leg feathering of the French Marans but the feathers look more like the double laced Barnevelder (the Barnevelder pullet does not have her adult feathers yet, though, because the double lacing has not come out yet). If it is a cockerel I can buy it back but I am wondering if it could be a cross or if the color is typical for a Black Copper Marans. If it is a cross it will be swimming with dumplings!

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