Fresno CA

Ugh 90 at night?? No relief! My hubby will be happy to know we can get some. Thanks!

Oops lol. I meant to say it was in the "high" 90s...
it cools down significantly at night. But a couple years ago it would be so hot at night my family and I couldn't sleep!! (And we didn't even have air conditioning)
Hey y'all I was wondering what kind of production slow down you experience this time of year. This is my first year with hens and I'm curious
TX2CA. I assume you moved here from Texas? My dad was born in northern Texas and my mother in Oklahoma. They both moved here in the early 50's while in gradeschool and met out here.
So, I read that yes, as days get shorter and temps get colder, there is a chance that our hens could delay laying until spring. I read that they need approximately 15 hours of sunlight to stay in full laying mode. A light in the coop was suggested coming on at daybreak and timed for 15 hours to keep them from 'going or staying dormant'. I realize the danger of running electric to the coop but I think I may try it anyway, being careful to protect allconnections from my ladies and the elements.
Bum. I feel like my girls are getting close to laying! Super red combs and wattles. One even sort of squats when I pet her. It's like a squat walk lol . I was hoping they would start before the natural slow down cycle. Let me know if the lighting helps. I guess I'll just be waiting and waiting and waiting........

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