Friendly Quail?

I have read in a thread where somebody stated that coturnix do not imprint like ducks do, but I beg to differ. My daughter has an English white, and when it hatched, her face was glued to the incubator. When he was in the brooder, she was always watching Squeekers and hand feeding him. He's pretty docile, and when my daughter walks into the garage where his cage is and starts talking, Squeekers stops what he's doing and pays attention until she stops by his cage and takes him out and pets him.
The rest of my birds don't get the same treatment and don't act the same way, but he's the only quail the family has as a pet.
What breed is these guys
name:Egor Flamango Wilson
name:Sir Issic Newton 2
Quail (or really any bird for that matter) will be more friendly and tolerant the more they are handled, and the earlier you start. While they many not imprint the same way a duck might (we could go on for hours about avian psychology, but it is too early in the morning for that), but more they are handled, and the earlier you start the more docile they will be. Environment will also play an important role. If your bird is stressed out or ill, it will behave differently than if it happy and healthy. Will they follow you around the yard as you do your chores? probably not. Will they eat out of your hand, and sit on your lap (as long as their attention spans will let them) sure! A lot of it comes down to expectations, and, in the end how well socialized they are.
There are many breeds of Coturnix.
The only one that is really friendly is the Jumbo/Jap Quail. Stubble, Brown, King and many others are one of the more skittish birds you could ever find.
Most of the coturnix your talking about aren't available to us in the US. We only have Japanese and what we call buttons but you call king quail.
Most of the coturnix your talking about aren't available to us in the US. We only have Japanese and what we call buttons but you call king quail. 

I didn't know where the OP was from. He didn't state which country, nor does his profile state it.

I see the fellow I quoted is from Idaho.

I breed 4 different kinds of Coturnix.

Button Quail, the actual real Button Quail, is a Turnix quail.

It really confuses me why Americans call the King Quail a Button Quail. It leads me to ask, what on earth do you Americans call a Button Quail?

Most of the coturnix your talking about aren't available to us in the US. We only have Japanese and what we call buttons but you call king quail.
We have Jumbo and Pharoah coturnix, Texas A&M and some other kinds of quail...

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