Friesian Fowl Q&A Discussion Thread

I've just got a new chamois pencilled friesian rooster to go in with my girls to mix bloodlines
Hopefully going to have lots of little ones next spring. I had two unwanted roosters last year from a hatch but these two ended up being very poor quality in the colour department so i decided I'd use them as a test pair and shut them out the run, they went straight up into the trees and survived for many months with no food or water given by me, they found it all themselves and managed to avoid the fox but they became a nussiance to my penned up Roos so they had to be despatched, but I was very pleased with how well they look after themselves, deffinetly my favourite breed
I've just got a new chamois pencilled friesian rooster to go in with my girls to mix bloodlines
Hopefully going to have lots of little ones next spring. I had two unwanted roosters last year from a hatch but these two ended up being very poor quality in the colour department so i decided I'd use them as a test pair and shut them out the run, they went straight up into the trees and survived for many months with no food or water given by me, they found it all themselves and managed to avoid the fox but they became a nussiance to my penned up Roos so they had to be despatched, but I was very pleased with how well they look after themselves, deffinetly my favourite breed

I so wish more people knew about this breed. I have a flock of 18, some lemon and some gold. They are the most beautiful birds! They forage all day and come home at night. They do fly quite well and hang out up in the trees when it is hot. They are so calm, quiet and easy to deal with. Very food efficient too. They are becoming one of my favorite breeds also.

Do you have pictures of yours?
@Nickeyo I was looking back to the very first pictures you posted of your birds. Yours all have white tails and mine all have black/green tails. Do you know what the difference is? I got mine from an importer here in the states called Greenfire Farms. They call these birds East Frisian Gulls. I wonder if the differences are because they originate in slightly different places? They say the ones I got are from the coast of Belgium and Denmark. From what I read about Friesian fowl, they are from a small island off the coast of Denmark/ Belgium. Wondering if that is the difference?
I doubt there is much difference, I think it's more just colouring, mine are chamois pencilled so they should have white tail and patterned/coloured body but I've had good pencilled and they have the gold in the same place but the white is replaced with black
I ordered two Frisian Gulls from GFF in July. Both turned out to be Roosters!

Really gorgeous lemons, but sadly no pullets. I am in Utah. Anyone out there close by
that owns this breed? I have to say I am sold on them. I can't keep two roos, but I can't part with one either to someone who doesn't care or know what the breed is.

I am looking for a pullet....

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