FrontierVille on FB

Nope, Robin LOL!

I can not reach the goals fo rthe schools and no foundry. No shed for me either. It was going no where with it.

Yep waiting for new tasks to start after that peanut harvesting ordeal!
Why is it when you need the varmits to show up they never do?
I managed to get the bears and snakes out of the way for the hunting goal but now need the dang woodchucks. Out of 20 potatoes only one woodchuck came calling.
Of course the stupid fox shows up every time I feed the geese to reach the sell 50 geese goal. I'm as sick of foxes in FV as I am in real life. Had one yesterday find the one remaining (I hope) way into the run and grab one of my muscovies. Little bugger couldn't get the bird out of the pen so he was eating it where it was. He wasn't happy when I interrupted. Can't say I was too happy either.
And yes I did wave my arms and say "Hey, Hey!" to scare him off. So I spent today securing the fence that was already in place and adding a second fence around the perimeter making sure there is no easy way to dig under or go around. As long as the fox doesn't have a jet pack I think the remaining ducks should be safe.
Widget build a zone for your fox to sit in just below where you feed the geese and get one to sit there, then don't click on it. A new one won't appear. I just placed the poultry above and to the right of a road. Or if you put them in the left corner, just one click gets rid of the fox.
Funny. I have been doing that without even realizing. Unless the fox is in the way I try to just leave it where it is. Good news is I'm almost half way to the goose goal.
OMG, I'm tired of trying to keep up on clearing my plot!!! Gah!!

Anyone that needs to cut neighbor trees, stumps, flowers, grass, whatever, please, please, PLEASE come and attack mine!! All but the fruit trees are fair game. Please!!!!!

Jennifer Stark Leitch if you've not added me yet

(Edit: Yes, I'm holding a gun in my profile pic.)
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Nice to know there is someone else you has the same problem
I visit neighbors who have perfectly manicured homesteads and then go back to mine and see the chaos. Personally I like the chaos. I've cleared what I need to clear to provide for my 'family'. Besides this is the frontier it is supposed to have that 'wild' look. That and I use the energy to try and keep up with the goals.
Nice to know there is someone else you has the same problem
I visit neighbors who have perfectly manicured homesteads and then go back to mine and see the chaos. Personally I like the chaos. I've cleared what I need to clear to provide for my 'family'. Besides this is the frontier it is supposed to have that 'wild' look. That and I use the energy to try and keep up with the goals.

Heh, I want to be able to put some "pretties" and not have my poor critter crammed in the side! I've got so much stuff in my inventory, and no where to put it!
I'm glad to see people are having the same problems I am. I stuck needing to tend a neighbor's eggplant crop and still need one more cheddar cheese and apple pie. I just visited all my neighbors cows and apple trees and didn't get one "collection" item. Anyone want to plant some eggplant for me so I can tend to it tomorrow??? (pretty please)

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