FrontierVille on FB

You get horseshoes for the $1 mil, but I can't remember how many. I think it's 10, but don't quote me. I just know after finishing it, the peanuts, and the $500 k, I had almost 60 horseshoes, and I don't save them so I had maybe 10 to start with.
I use the thank you gifts, if I get a gift from someone, they get a gift back, simple as that.
Several times. Doesn't work. Tried both Firefox and Safari as a browser too. Hopefully it is just a FB or Zynga issue.

I use google chrome and haven't been having any issues.
Several times. Doesn't work. Tried both Firefox and Safari as a browser too. Hopefully it is just a FB or Zynga issue.

I use google chrome and haven't been having any issues.

I sort of have it working. I tried the fix that some suggested on the Zynga formums. It seems that some people have had the same issue after upgrading the homestead. The avatars just disappear. Even from the family album. The solution that works (for now) is to visit neighbors until you find one where your avatar is. Then click back on your own homestead and family and any visiting friends should now appear. So far it was worked for me. Now I just have to finish the chicken coop and grow out my geese and cows to sell.
The next new thing I noticed they were adding is a varmit cannon. Takes care of all those pesky critters that pop up.
OK... I'm kinda ticked. I keep telling myself, "it's just a game" and that's been working for me. But I finally got enough ribbons to complete my crib and I went back and all my sawhorses were GONE! I had enough supplies to make the 2 I needed yesterday. So I made them yesterday and waited for enough ribbons to complete the crib. Where did the saw horses go??? I don't get it! Has this happened to anyone here?
I'm sorry your saw horses disapeared.

The game seems really laggy for me lately. I'm having a hard time getting all my cement and mallet supplies. I need to make a list on a seperate piece of paper all the BYC friends because it's not sorting the list right and I don't want to send requests to nonfrontierville players.
So far I have not had any goals waiting for me....... I thought FrV would got things going when people are really doing the work, building and making goals met.

Now it is a lull, bored and uninteresting right now. If FrV don't pick things up soon or make it attractive enough, I am certain I would be going down the same path as I did for FarmVille, no longer playing it anymore or not right now.

All left good is to keep harvesting and gifting friends. Sometimes there is a limit how many I can send out, can not send out anymore than 60 neighbors at a 24 hour time span to send FREE GIFTS. I wish FrV can itemize our gifts for those who are starting out and those who needs it the most rather than sending all out for everyone that needs it and some that have too much of it such as paints, hammers, chalks, etc.

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