frothy eye getting worse

I've been treating my flock for several different respiratory ailments for the past month.
Bubbles in the eye (1 cockerel) and
Swollen face around the eye (at least 8 hens), 1 to the point of almost covering the eye! (her name is 'Knock Out' now!
I gave him Tylan-50 injections, force drank Nutri-Drench, and warm compresses. He cleared up after a few days.
The girls got the same treatment along with duramycin 10 antibiotic powder in the whole flocks Waters.
"KO" was the worst so I had read online to give 1 drop of Tylan to the eye (it burns) in hope of saving it from blindness.
KO's good now.

"Pollax" who had the first symptoms almost a month ago and got better, is sick again.

Just pale comb and bubble eye, eats and plays fine.
I actually have a thread about my troubles ((what illness does my flock have?)) but I wanted to share about the eye troubles.
hope this helps and good luck
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I've been treating my flock for several different respiratory ailments for the past month.
Bubbles in the eye (1 cockerel) and
Swollen face around the eye (at least 8 hens), 1 to the point of almost covering the eye! (her name is 'Knock Out' now!
I gave him Tylan-50 injections, force drank Nutri-Drench, and warm compresses. He cleared up after a few days.
The girls got the same treatment along with duramycin 10 antibiotic powder in the whole flocks Waters.
"KO" was the worst so I had read online to give 1 drop of Tylan to the eye (it burns) in hope of saving it from blindness.
KO's good now.

"Pollax" who had the first symptoms almost a month ago and got better, is sick again.

Just pale comb and bubble eye, eats and plays fine.
I actually have a thread about my troubles ((what illness does my flock have?)) but I wanted to share about the eye troubles.
hope this helps and good luck

It sounds like Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.) Birds with MG are carriers and will spread the disease to other birds. It can also be transmitted on clothing, shoes, your hands etc...
Antibiotics such as tylan, baytril, duramycin and many others are used to treat the disease, but birds are never cured. Antibiotics that are mixed in water are almost useless...sick birds dont drink, if they do drink the treated water, it's usually not enough to be effective. Also during cooler temperature, birds drink less water. I recommend that you cull sick birds. Disinfect everything and repopulate in several months
It sounds like Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.) Birds with MG are carriers and will spread the disease to other birds. It can also be transmitted on clothing, shoes, your hands etc...
Antibiotics such as tylan, baytril, duramycin and many others are used to treat the disease, but birds are never cured. Antibiotics that are mixed in water are almost useless...sick birds dont drink, if they do drink the treated water, it's usually not enough to be effective. Also during cooler temperature, birds drink less water. I recommend that you cull sick birds. Disinfect everything and repopulate in several months
I was really hopping that wasn't necessary.

I have over 100 birds! including show girls, naked necks, blue french marans, bantam cochins, oegb, dutch game bantams, blrw, and many more.

It sounds like Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.)  Birds with MG are carriers and will spread the disease to other birds. It can also be transmitted on clothing, shoes, your hands etc...
Antibiotics such as tylan, baytril, duramycin and many others are used to treat the disease, but birds are never cured. Antibiotics that are mixed in water are almost useless...sick birds dont drink, if they do drink the treated water, it's usually not enough to be effective. Also during cooler temperature, birds drink less water. I recommend that you cull sick birds. Disinfect everything and repopulate in several months

I was really hopping that wasn't necessary. :hit
I have over 100 birds! including show girls, naked necks, blue french marans, bantam cochins, oegb, dutch game bantams, blrw, and many more. :hit

Take a sick one to the vet and have it tested for mycoplasma.

SORRY Lovehens I did not intend to hijack your thread, (that's why I mentioned mine in one of my posts)
ANYWAY... thanks everybody for your input. MOVING BACK TO MY THREAD what-illness-does-my-flock-have LOVEHENS how is your girl doing?
SORRY Lovehens I did not intend to hijack your thread, (that's why I mentioned mine in one of my posts)
ANYWAY... thanks everybody for your input. MOVING BACK TO MY THREAD what-illness-does-my-flock-have LOVEHENS how is your girl doing?
Take a sick one to the vet and have it tested for mycoplasma and other respiratory diseases.


Thank you so much Kathy and eggcessive. I wish I had asked you guys earlier and then I would have been able to save my Holly. I read all about the right thing to do for your chicken when she has given up. I fear I left it much longer than I should have done. I feel so guilty about that but was hoping she would recover. You both gave me fab ideas, just wish I could have tried them earlier. She didn't get out of her house on Friday so I spoke to a lady who rescues wild animals and asked her advice. She said the kindest thing would be to take her to the vets to be put to sleep. I couldn't do it myself or give her to anyone else to do it. I held her at the vets inside my cuddly cardigan until it was time for her to go. The vet was wonderful and patient with me and my tears. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I rescued Holly from a chicken farm in March this year and it didn't seem right to take away her life. But I couldn't let her go on and suffer any longer. We buried her yesterday in the garden. Both my children wanted to be there to say goodbye
Started with 8 chickens, now have 6 as one of them disappeared a few months ago. Hoping she found a new home.

Sorry to go on and sorry for delay in replying but I couldn't face it until this morning. I didn't think I would be this upset over a chicken. Can't help feeling guilty that I didn't save her but that is for me to live with. You never get used to losing a pet, ever. Wish I could learn to deal with it better
Thanks again for trying so hard to help.

Thank you so much Kathy and eggcessive.  I wish I had asked you guys earlier and then I would have been able to save my Holly.  I read all about the right thing to do for your chicken when she has given up.  I fear I left it much longer than I should have done.  I feel so guilty about that but was hoping she would recover.  You both gave me fab ideas, just wish I could have tried them earlier.  She didn't get out of her house on Friday so I spoke to a lady who rescues wild animals and asked her advice.  She said the kindest thing would be to take her to the vets to be put to sleep.  I couldn't do it myself or give her to anyone else to do it.  I held her at the vets inside my cuddly cardigan until it was time for her to go.  The vet was wonderful and patient with me and my tears. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  I rescued Holly from a chicken farm in March this year and it didn't seem right to take away her life.  But I couldn't let her go on and suffer any longer.  We buried her yesterday in the garden.  Both my children wanted to be there to say goodbye :hit Started with 8 chickens, now have 6 as one of them disappeared a few months ago.  Hoping she found a new home.

Sorry to go on and sorry for delay in replying but I couldn't face it until this morning.  I didn't think I would be this upset over a chicken.  Can't help feeling guilty that I didn't save her but that is for me to live with.  You never get used to losing a pet, ever.  Wish I could learn to deal with it better:( Thanks again for trying so hard to help.

So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. {{{{{hugs}}}}}


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