Frugal Pattern Quilt Block Swap (Sign-up ends 6/18/11)

You don't need to have the 4 matching because Acre's can mess them all up and send us different one's. I know I don't need 4 of the same color from the same person.
I just didn't know if anyone/everyone wanted four of the same color scheme
That's why it's frugal ! - Using up scraps and stuff........for those small squares. I did the same thing, was making them all matchy and stuff. Once I got into the using up of fabric scraps, i was on a roll!

I've been cutting & sewing and ironing all evening. Sure beats collecting fallen branches and leaves and raking all that mess from Irene.
jc it is 48 blocks total or 12 blocks all put together. I don't think that we have to have sets of 4 or at least I hope not because I am royally screwed then. I will let Acres clarify that one. Good luck with your thesis!!
So glad to see everyone working on these blocks. Today is Sept 1st. so we have 17 more days before they are due. Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.
I have most of mine cut and am marking the 4.75 mid point right now. I can sew some this weekend! I don't really keep unneeded fabric around the house--I buy enough for a project and never buy just b/c it is pretty. Hubby goes with me to the fabric store
to ensure compliance! Yarn is my hobby hoarding preference
. I should be able to find enough to finish this up if I did around in the boxes.
Thank you dear, as you know I've had a bad week and as I'm typing this I'm crying. I just want to give up but I won't until I send the blocks out. lol I told my DH to shoot me and put me in the hole outside and find someone younger.
Well if my DH went with me to the store I would be buying buying and buying.
That would teach him.

If you want me to send you some fabric send me a pm. I have dresser's full and I don't think I have enought. That will give me a reason to go buy more. I buy a lot of fabric on sale, it's the good stuff but it's all most always half off or I really wouldn't get it.

I have a lot of yarn I don't use, want some of that?

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