Fruit stops egg production?

The reason the hatcheries suggest not feeding fruit is because of yeast infections. The sugars get trapped in the nasal cavity where the fungus can grow, And yeast feeds on the sugars, Out of the several many and different birds I own, I only have 1 pair of siamese fireback pheasants that are prone to yeast infections of the mouth and nose.
Other than that, feeding fresh fruit is highly beneficial
Hmmm, yeast infections! That begins to make sense. But why would fruit intake make them more prone than the natural sugars (and natural yeasts associated with) in vegetables or grain products? Some veggies/grains can be higher in sugar, while some fruits can be lower. And why do vets recommend a relatively high fruit intake for psittacines; wouldn't they ostensibly be susceptible too? I'd still like to see some answer/data that isn't based on a generalization. Back to PubMed--thanks Pine Grove for the pointer!
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I've seen this topic come up on the board before and I wondered, where the heck do people get these odd ideas? Well, thanks to this thread, now I know!
Odd idea's? Apparently WoodlandWoman you have never seen thrush or sourcrop in chickens, yeast infections can occur anywhere in or on the body,
Price, chickens are sloppy eaters when it comes to fruits and veggies, They get juice on them from head to toe, ever seen chickens dig into a watermelon, This juice can sour in the nostrils, And there ya go, you have a haven for yeast. I'm not saying dont feed fruit, I feed fruit and veggies 3 times a week, The good byfar out weighs the is a link with a little
Very interesting. Thank you so much for that educational lesson Pine Grove. I will make sure to remember this when they are given fruit from now on. I read that article. Newchickenmom&kids, it says that the raw un-pasturized apple cider vinegar will also help control the yeast infection due to the acidity. Also the lactobacillus that is in yogurt will also help promote good bacteria (flora) in the digestive track.
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I'm sorry Pine Grove, I wasn't referring to your pheasants and their yeast infections. I was talking about the original post. I wasn't trying to make a joke about birds with diseases. Sorry for the confusion.
*I* have a yeast infection in my gut, and though sweets make me sick, fruits don't do a thing to me. But different species... I think it's probably the fear of apple seeds and cyanide.
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