

Oct 4, 2022
What kind of fruits do you guys feed your egg layers? Mine seem to really like eating grapes and any tomatoes my mom tries to grow. They arn't very picky eaters but I'd like to know what you guys feed yours. I'm still new to my chickens so I don't know what the best is for them yet. I put the fruits and veggies we give them in a little water bowl and its like bobbing for apples lol.
Fruit, being a treat, should not exceed 10% of their diet. That said, most are fine. Avoid citrus and avocado (i've read the flesh is ok).
They get fruits and veggies once every few weeks. If its really hot outside we give them frozen ones but they usually eat what they want and leave it to be thrown out later cause bugs would get to it.
Melon, blueberries, tomatoes, chopped apple, basically no citrus. Mine don’t like strawberries and I’ve never tried avocado. They love cukes and squash. Also dill, my flock seems to adore it.

As previously mentioned the fruits should be limited, max treats per day is about 1 Tbsp per chicken including scratch, fruits and veg. I give my flock greens in winter also, a good amount every few days and whatever they don’t eat goes in the compost pile. Lettuce other than iceberg, limited spinach, bok choy, cabbage, carrot and beet greens. They love the greens from broccoli and artichokes too.
mine get more when my garden is producing. i don’t buy any produce for them specifically. they mostly get a small amount of blackberries, blueberries, watermelon rinds, cantaloupe rinds/insides (their favorite) when in season. these days they have to start settling for just some sunflower seeds!
my hens loved green tomatos. they tore up our garden. it's a disaster now.
they also like to eat fallen apples from our apple trees. I once got wilted and bad fruits and veggies from our local grocery store. that was early this february. I also got stale bread, sometimes seeds, and once even had some raisins. I had all the goodies in a large clear plastic bag, and I would bring it all on a sled. those were happy times!
Melon, blueberries, tomatoes, chopped apple, basically no citrus. Mine don’t like strawberries and I’ve never tried avocado. They love cukes and squash. Also dill, my flock seems to adore it.

As previously mentioned the fruits should be limited, max treats per day is about 1 Tbsp per chicken including scratch, fruits and veg. I give my flock greens in winter also, a good amount every few days and whatever they don’t eat goes in the compost pile. Lettuce other than iceberg, limited spinach, bok choy, cabbage, carrot and beet greens. They love the greens from broccoli and artichokes too.
ohhh okay. We might be giving them more treats than we should. They don't eat it all though. They would rather go hunting for some grasshoppers. But I will make sure to cut back on it.
my hens loved green tomatos. they tore up our garden. it's a disaster now.
they also like to eat fallen apples from our apple trees. I once got wilted and bad fruits and veggies from our local grocery store. that was early this february. I also got stale bread, sometimes seeds, and once even had some raisins. I had all the goodies in a large clear plastic bag, and I would bring it all on a sled. those were happy times!
My girls and boy love to get the tomato worms off our plants but sometimes they just reallllyyyy mess it up. We are trying to get a green house going so hopefully we can save some of our produce from their little claws.
My girls and boy love to get the tomato worms off our plants but sometimes they just reallllyyyy mess it up. We are trying to get a green house going so hopefully we can save some of our produce from their little claws.
our garden was taken over. after the invasion of my hens, there was no saving it. sadly, we never got much produce.
our garden was taken over. after the invasion of my hens, there was no saving it. sadly, we never got much produce.
Lol at least they enjoyed it. I tried keeping mine in pots thinking they couldn't knock it over. For some reason our rooster has a hatred for anything bucket related and has made pots and buckets his number one enemy after me wearing shorts.

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