FS - WA Pair of Buff Ameraucanas - Pet Quality - eggbid auction

I want to say I'd take them, but my DH would just kill me
Sara take them and then I can get some babies from them
and some lavenders also !!! DO IT !!!! and if you husband kills you just will all your birds to me
just kidding hope you stay safe and get SOME BUFFS !!!!!!!
AHHH I know how you feel I need to find a way to keep a rooster !!!! I have a beautiful little flock of Blue and black copper marans coming up from Peachick and I would love to have these I just love my ameraucana and would love some buffs the color is just so beautiful and soft looking ! I would love it if when you have any LF lavender ameraucana or black ameraucana or even araucana or BO pullet culls let me know I would love an excuse to come visit your farm!

I can't wait and I will be able to drive AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH
My evil plan unfolds ! No one will be with me to stop us from getting into deep trouble !
ohhh! very interested but, all i can have is hens (pullets) if you could sell me just 2 pullets how much would the price for the pullets be? it is so hard to find just a few pullet chicks/chickens for sale. and it would be good for me because i have 3 chicks right now that are 8 weeks old so they could all meet each other at a young age.
Here are a couple pictures.

This is the cockerel, and he is not too happy.


This is one of the pullets, they both look pretty much the same. There might even be three available.


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