This is sad 😞
Yeah it is. Chuck Yeager was 97 so he lived a long and exciting life. Charlie Pride was 86 and was a baseball pitcher with promise when he was young, but his singing voice is what made him famous. We saw him singing recently at an event for Veterans Day on the news and he sounded great!
Went out to give the duckies some fresh water and top up their food. I think they are still too little for the pellets, but I didn’t grind the food to mash this morning. Their little pool is dirty, I’m pretty sure they’ve been swimming in it. Will get out there and put clean water in it later today and get some pics.
Good morning Rene. He’s doing very well thanks. I told the vet the wrap on his foot was more of a problem than a help to keep him away from the wound. He has given himself rug burn dragging his leg on the carpet trying to get it off. I wrapped it with a non stick gauze and vet wrap, no tape. He’s fine with that.

Good morning! It’s good thanks Debby. See above lol.

Good morning Sue! You also :)
Good morning IM! Poor guy...I'm glad you found an alternative wrap that he tolerates better!
Ducklings. I’m going to have to ditch the waterer already and give them a gallon bowl. Had to raise the heat plate also. I don’t even know if they use it but it’s so cold at night I’m not turning it off yet.

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