Ended Funny Chicken Name Contest - Win 60 lbs of Grubbly Layer Feed From GrubblyFarms

Poof and Einstein
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I have a hen named Danny Bantam. She is a golden laced sebright that used to smack into walls when she was a chick so she was named after Danny Phantom, you know the theme song, "He could walk through walls, disappear and fly!" And we took the Phantom part out and added Bantam because she is a bantam.
Here is a picture of her from a few days ago. She is with her babies.
Photo on 5-31-20 at 1.53 PM.jpg
Oh, and not very original, but I have a New Hampshire Red with much paler colorings than the rest of her siblings, almost Catalana in coloration except missing the green grey legs and white tail. We call her "Debbie Harry" aka "Blondie".

She's out free ranging in the rain, I may link a photo later if I can get her alone and to hold still long enough.

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