Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

XD I wanna reply to that so bad, but if I do this'll go on forever

Hahaha!!! My babies like to stick theirs heads oin the way-too-low heatlamp, and then they just fall over like "heeeeeeat"
its funny - until someone jumps on it and knocks it over
Indeed XD

Also when they are snuggled in my night gown I have to keep checking on the silly things to ensure they aren't overheating, as they feel too cozy to walk out from under it! When I see one panting, I take it out and blow cool air over it, which the chicks either appreciate or get annoyed over me doing. Also I am growing tasty treats for my silkies and quails.

I have multiple tubs of breeding mealworms which I have had for months now ever since I had the quail, on their third and fourth generations now, and now I am growing sunflowers and pumpkins! The Pumpkins have flowered first and while I love the smell of them, my hayfevor isn't too happy about me sniffing at them.

The plant is still small and young, so I imagine the pumpkins produced from it won't be any record breakers, but they are pretty. To think that I grew it and the sunflowers from some seeds in a parrot food mix I often crush up as a treat for the quail and silkies! I intend to re-pot the pumpkins and sunflowers very soon as it is getting very crowded in there.

Edit: Also, something funny happened between me and the hen. The hen was pacing around the yard whining, so I opened the door to see what was wrong... And she runs past me and into the nestbox.

I said "If ya wanted to lay an egg, you could have done it earlier."
She let out an annoyed "Rarroooo!" whine.
So I say "I let you out like, an hour ago."
And the hen proceeded to glare at me from in the nestbox, so I did an amused sigh and walked out the room to give her privacy.
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Wow, the pumpkns and sunflowers sound so awesome! :eek: That's so neat.

I remember (looong before byc XD), I would spend HOURS out in the coop just breaking up nest box arguments. :gig Made it super easy to tell eggs apart then :lol:
Wow, the pumpkns and sunflowers sound so awesome!
That's so neat.

I remember (looong before byc XD), I would spend HOURS out in the coop just breaking up nest box arguments.
Made it super easy to tell eggs apart then
I can't wait for the sunflowers to bloom!

Sounds rather chaotic breaking up the nest box fights, though it is a good thing to be able to tell the eggs apart. I intend to make some new nest boxes for my silkie chicks when old enough. Talking about the silkies, I gave the chicks 2 hard-boiled fried quail eggs as a treat, and well... Before I even got near the brooder with it, Little Peep-Peep jumped out, ripping a chunk off it while falling, and then ran behind the couch with it the moment it hit the ground! I was so worried I'd need to move the couch, but after Peep-Peep finished it's meal, it ran back to me for more. I then put it back in the brooder to give the rest to the chicks in there too.
It is so weird, they have plenty of food in there, but the moment treat time arrives they act like they are starved!
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I can't wait for the sunflowers to bloom!

Sounds rather chaotic breaking up the nest box fights, though it is a good thing to be able to tell the eggs apart. I intend to make some new nest boxes for my silkie chicks when old enough. Talking about the silkies, I gave the chicks 2 hard-boiled fried quail eggs as a treat, and well... Before I even got near the brooder with it, Little Peep-Peep jumped out, ripping a chunk off it while falling, and then ran behind the couch with it the moment it hit the ground! I was so worried I'd need to move the couch, but after Peep-Peep finished it's meal, it ran back to me for more. I then put it back in the brooder to give the rest to the chicks in there too. 
:gig It is so weird, they have plenty of food in there, but the moment treat time arrives they act like they are starved!

I wish we had sunflowers - well, we could, they just need to be planted :lol:

I know right?!?! Its so weird :gig Peaches is like that... She'll sit on the scratch bucket til I give her at least a few seeds, and by then the whole flock is at my feet.... And an Spyke looks at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers and BAM scratch is everywhere! :lU
While the site was doing it's thing Bruce did the neatest thing. One good thing, two naughty things, actually. He grabbed a couple pullets by their head feathers until they cried. But he also made a warning call sending them all back to the coop. It was really neat to see. It was for an airplane, but still. Bruce...
And we saw a large red fox eyeballing the birds. Hoping we can catch him.
We found our first egg yesterday! A bcm was sounding like she was bragging but the egg was already cold. The day before a rir was making a ruckus too but I saw no egg. Don't know if I missed the egg day before yesterday and it's the rirs, or it's really light for a marans. It's a mystery, but a fun one! They're only 16 wks old...we started building nest boxes yesterday.:wee
We found our first egg yesterday! A bcm was sounding like she was bragging but the egg was already cold. The day before a rir was making a ruckus too but I saw no egg. Don't know if I missed the egg day before yesterday and it's the rirs, or it's really light for a marans. It's a mystery, but a fun one! They're only 16 wks old...we started building nest boxes yesterday.:wee
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Awesome!!! Its so pretty! :D
If marans and RIRs are your onpoy breeds, I bet its a RIR. It reminds me of quite a few eggs I've seen from my rhodeys.
The happenings in the coop this morning, as retold by my 3 year old:
"Most of your chicken birds didn't have a problem, but one of your chicken birds did have a problem."
"Oh? Which bird was that?"
"The rooster!"
"What problem did the rooster have?"
"The DIED problem!!"

The rooster got his head stuck in a hole in a cinder block overnight and apparently didn't know how to back up. I found him upside down this morning. But at least 12 of my 14 hatchlings are cockerels so I won't have any shortage of potential replacements. Replacement hens, are another matter entirely.
The happenings in the coop this morning, as retold by my 3 year old:
"Most of your chicken birds didn't have a problem, but one of your chicken birds did have a problem."
"Oh? Which bird was that?"
"The rooster!"
"What problem did the rooster have?"
"The DIED problem!!"

The rooster got his head stuck in a hole in a cinder block overnight and apparently didn't know how to back up. I found him upside down this morning. But at least 12 of my 14 hatchlings are cockerels so I won't have any shortage of potential replacements. Replacement hens, are another matter entirely.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow..... And I thought Fowler was dumb! :th Poor guy.
We've collected our first three eggs in these last fewish days. Decided to eat them this morning. Two yolks in each one! And at least the last egg, found yesterday, was definitely laid by the black cuckoo marans. She was bragging, the only one in the coop and the egg was warm. I'm wondering if it was her all along. The eggs are progressively darker, the last being almost too dark to be an rir. Oprah did it. Oprah being the bcm. :clap

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