Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

I know right! :lau

XDXD That's so funny.... I had a cinnamon queen try to eat a piece of foam that was a long as she was once..... Fortunately she was easily cornered. :lol:

The chick is about 3 week old and the mother just watched in confusion over the scene. :p And that is good you managed to corner her. My chickens seem to have an obsession with packing peanuts, no idea why.

This is so neat. We have a black cuckoo marans that consistently lays eggs with two yolks!

That is awesome! :) So far I have had no doubles from any of the birds I have raised yet.
The chick is about 3 week old and the mother just watched in confusion over the scene. :p And that is good you managed to corner her. My chickens seem to have an obsession with packing peanuts, no idea why.

That is awesome! :) So far I have had no doubles from any of the birds I have raised yet.
My girls eat Styrofoam like its candy. :rolleyes: I think it might have aided in the death of Sugar Plum though.... She was ADDICTED to foam. -_-
Yeah, what is it with chickens and styrofoam?! Mine grab it and run like it's a prize.
The worst part is that living up on this mountain we get tons of wind and the way our property is fenced it grabs all the trash from the road or wherever. So who knows how much stuff the ladies get before I do.
Chasing chickens down is just super exercise, though...
My girls eat Styrofoam like its candy. :rolleyes: I think it might have aided in the death of Sugar Plum though.... She was ADDICTED to foam. -_-

Yeah, what is it with chickens and styrofoam?! Mine grab it and run like it's a prize.
The worst part is that living up on this mountain we get tons of wind and the way our property is fenced it grabs all the trash from the road or wherever. So who knows how much stuff the ladies get before I do.
Chasing chickens down is just super exercise, though...

I do take it off them whenever I catch them with it. And I have no idea what is up with them and styrofoam, maybe they see it as a form or grit or find something they like the taste of in it? :confused:

I am glad my chickens are silkies, they prefer to trot just out of my reach making annoyed whines instead of sprinting away, so I just kinda walk them into a corner and grab them.
Funny thing happened yesterday. My daughter went out to check for eggs, she does this many times each day, and saw one of the black cuckoo marans sitting on the nest. She went back to watch and I stayed in the barn waiting to hear if it was Linda or Oprah. Linda brags every day whether she lays or not. Oprah makes not a peep.
The funny thing about Linda is she's VERY vocal. Always going on about something.
So when my daughter retold the story it went something like this...
"The black and white one went bock BOCK and the egg came out of her butt!" So now we know that Oprah is laying the beautiful eggs that are light brown on one end, dark brown with darker freckles at the other and Linda is for sure laying the lighter browns with the double yolks. We also have an rir or two giving us eggs now and again.
This mystery guessing game is fun! Next flock I want ee's.
Maybe I should try a Brahma rooster. I'd like one that doesn't go after my daughter. Maybe a "safe rooster" is a pipe dream?

My silkie roo is a total marshmallow and even when he does jump or peck, he has hardly, if any, force behind it and only does it if he feels that I am harassing his flock by them flapping about or making a fuss due to me holding them at foraging time instead of at cuddle time, but I know with any breed it is a gamble with roos.

He makes the most amusing noises though, when he sees me holding the tiny chicks and one loses it's balance briefly, he does a weird "waaaaaeeeeaaaahh" noise, and one time my dad was holding one and it REALLY didn't want to be held and was squeaking like mad, Rooroo did a scream similar to Kevin from UP... He didn't attack, just screamed at my dad as if telling him to put the baby down, which my dad did. :lau

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