Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

The other day my nephew was getting ready to leave when he saw a buzzard fly into our back yard. He ran back there to find all the girls under cover. The buzzard had gone. When the hens saw him they all ran to him like "Jeremy's here! We're safe now!" He was impressed at their quick reaction. It's nice to know they won't be easy prey for predatory birds.
Sidenote: Oprah came off the nest yesterday to forage outside, then made a piggy of herself at the feed trough when I fed them. :weeShe's back on the nest this morning though. :he
Not sure how I can break her. We don't have the right kind of cage to do it.
One of my other young hens has been struggling with laying her first egg for 3 days now, and I was growing concerned despite not seeing or feeling anything physically wrong with her. She wanted to lay an egg and kept going in the nest box, but was too easily distracted and kept leaving it and then whining loudly to complain about it. I stuck a rubber dummy egg in the box to help encourage her to stay in it... It worked, but not how I expected... :lau

I thought she'd see it, lay on it, and then lay her own egg... Nope, she saw it, pecked at the strange intruder egg, noticed it felt odd, and kept pecking at it even harder to make it bounce a little and managed to keep her distracted long enough in the nest box to lay her own egg! Luckily she didn't feel like testing to see if her own eggs bounce. :p

She was super exited and happy after FINALLY laying her egg, doing an egg song while running out and causing everyone else in the yard to sing along.

The story of how a young, easily distracted hen finally laid her first egg. :p
Also... My chickens are pros in getting stuck in and on the silliest places where they could easily get out from if they didn't panic right away... :lau

One hen jumped up and perched on a rather high fence, and instead of just hopping down, which she was capable of doing as she got herself up there in the first place, she found out she had a fear of heights or something and started squawking in distress for me to come out and save her.

Some also end up behind the slide on the yard and seem to completely forget how they got there, which is also the way out, and freak out and call for me so that I come out to save the silly things... While I get mauled by blackberry brambles, which are far above the chickens so it ain't stopping them, but are waist to head height for me, to get to the fuzzbutts and carry them out.

I swear, these birds wouldn't get anywhere without me around to save their fluffy butts. :p
The other day my nephew was getting ready to leave when he saw a buzzard fly into our back yard. He ran back there to find all the girls under cover. The buzzard had gone. When the hens saw him they all ran to him like "Jeremy's here! We're safe now!" He was impressed at their quick reaction. It's nice to know they won't be easy prey for predatory birds.
Sidenote: Oprah came off the nest yesterday to forage outside, then made a piggy of herself at the feed trough when I fed them. :weeShe's back on the nest this morning though. :he
Not sure how I can break her. We don't have the right kind of cage to do it.

Awwwwww!!! :lol: Thats so cute!

Yeah, breaking isnt an easy task without a good cage... :/ If you cant break her, kust make aure she comes off the nest a couple times a day and eats - a boatload of treats are good to keep em fat. XD
I rehomed her and three other hens we were planning to cull. Had read somewhere that going to a new home could break a broody. Her new owner doesn't mind her being broody anyway so it's a win-win.
I'm just happy she won't be breaking anymore eggs resulting in disgusting messes I have to clean up.
BTW, I traded the 4 hens for a large pumpkin and some fresh triple sweet ears of corn. Plus I have open access to their corn field. (Surrounds our property on two sides, hop the fence yay!) Pretty happy with the deal. Don't have to mess with a broody, breaking and fattening or otherwise. Don't have to butcher. Huzzah! :wee
I rehomed her and three other hens we were planning to cull. Had read somewhere that going to a new home could break a broody. Her new owner doesn't mind her being broody anyway so it's a win-win.
I'm just happy she won't be breaking anymore eggs resulting in disgusting messes I have to clean up.
BTW, I traded the 4 hens for a large pumpkin and some fresh triple sweet ears of corn. Plus I have open access to their corn field. (Surrounds our property on two sides, hop the fence yay!) Pretty happy with the deal. Don't have to mess with a broody, breaking and fattening or otherwise. Don't have to butcher. Huzzah! :wee

Not chicken related, but i think our rex doe got breed to a cottontail... She's got a burrow longer than my arm. :th
I have a white female turkey and a white silkie roo and for some reason the roo gets mad at LT (the turkey) and chases her. He grabs her tails as she's running and there she is dragging him across the property as if he's skiing. It is the funniest thing. It always happens when I don't have my phone with me so I have missed videoing it on several occasions.
I have a white female turkey and a white silkie roo and for some reason the roo gets mad at LT (the turkey) and chases her. He grabs her tails as she's running and there she is dragging him across the property as if he's skiing. It is the funniest thing. It always happens when I don't have my phone with me so I have missed videoing it on several occasions.

Hahaha! :lau That's hilarious!
The majestic Unichicken XP
This is what happens when I am bored and a hen gets caught in the rain. She was not amused with me messing with her feathers, but enjoyed being cuddled. :p She shook her head right after the pic and returned her poofy head feathers back to normal.

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