Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

There's been a bird of prey of some kind in the area and it keeps scaring the chickens. I was putting the shopping away when the 2 Roos started screaming and doing the warning calls and all the hens were crammed into corners of the yard and in the blackberry bush. Luckily all were accounted for and no-one was harmed other than my socks that I ran out in a panic, which became a muddy mess.

I think all the noise scared the predator off. I also saw an angry looking crow fly over the yard quite quickly, as if it was chasing after something. Probably after that same bird that spooked the chickens.

My dad took them inside where they are safe to calm them down while I was counting and comforting the ones that were still out and trying to see if I could get any sights of the predatory bird, but couldn't see any sign of it. Rooroo kept chasing after my dad doing the warning call and all fluffed up as he carried the hens and the younger roo inside, but never kicked or pecked at him. Made my dad laugh when it was finally Rooroo's turn to go inside as he went to run away, but froze when he saw me in the way and whined when picked up by my dad. :p
So, I have this polish/silkie mix roo who is the biggest chicken I have in the flock. He is coop emperor or so I thought until yesterday when I saw the silkie hen that I named Brutus clobber him up (in flight too!) and mount his back and held his head with her beak to the ground. My first thought was... whoa, Brutus is a roo! I had to scold myself for forgetting I have been picking up Brutus' eggs for over 6 months now...
On the way to take my daughter to the bus stop this morning I saw something interesting in the middle of the road. On the way home I stopped to see what it was. A broken musk melon! Must have fallen off a farmer's truck. I grabbed it and took it home for the girls.
They're enjoying it now. It took them a minute to investigate before digging beaks in but now they see it for the prize it is. Sweet, juicy. Even the rind is being eaten. It cracks me up when they pull off a big bite and take off with it as if to say "mineminemineminemine!"
On the way to take my daughter to the bus stop this morning I saw something interesting in the middle of the road. On the way home I stopped to see what it was. A broken musk melon! Must have fallen off a farmer's truck. I grabbed it and took it home for the girls.
They're enjoying it now. It took them a minute to investigate before digging beaks in but now they see it for the prize it is. Sweet, juicy. Even the rind is being eaten. It cracks me up when they pull off a big bite and take off with it as if to say "mineminemineminemine!"

My chickens do the same with my son's leftover fishing bait nightcrawlers. One would take a fat wriggler and run off and 2 other chickens would chase her down. A lot of times the chasers would end up swiping the worm right out of the other's beak. The worm would exchange beaks a few times before one manages to get it into perfect position for a big swallow. I wonder what the worm is thinking. Well, it's thinking nothing. I don't think worms have brains. Or do they?
My chickens do the same with my son's leftover fishing bait nightcrawlers. One would take a fat wriggler and run off and 2 other chickens would chase her down. A lot of times the chasers would end up swiping the worm right out of the other's beak. The worm would exchange beaks a few times before one manages to get it into perfect position for a big swallow. I wonder what the worm is thinking. Well, it's thinking nothing. I don't think worms have brains. Or do they?
It's screaming "I taste like dirt, I swear! Dear God, noooooooooooo! Ah, ow! Noooooooooooo! Not again, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Or maybe you're right. Maybe nothing at all. Lol
Had a hen a few years ago that would chase our pug. The pug would run up going "WA!WA!WA!" And snorting. The hen would turn and charge the pug and nip her ear at one point. The pug never learned her lesson though, to this day she will try to chase the chickens (not great at it because of her age). My rooster hasn't attacked her even when she has chased the hens, but I think it is because he is still young and inexperienced.
There's been a bird of prey of some kind in the area and it keeps scaring the chickens. I was putting the shopping away when the 2 Roos started screaming and doing the warning calls and all the hens were crammed into corners of the yard and in the blackberry bush. Luckily all were accounted for and no-one was harmed other than my socks that I ran out in a panic, which became a muddy mess.

I think all the noise scared the predator off. I also saw an angry looking crow fly over the yard quite quickly, as if it was chasing after something. Probably after that same bird that spooked the chickens.

My dad took them inside where they are safe to calm them down while I was counting and comforting the ones that were still out and trying to see if I could get any sights of the predatory bird, but couldn't see any sign of it. Rooroo kept chasing after my dad doing the warning call and all fluffed up as he carried the hens and the younger roo inside, but never kicked or pecked at him. Made my dad laugh when it was finally Rooroo's turn to go inside as he went to run away, but froze when he saw me in the way and whined when picked up by my dad. :p
Probably was the crow. My girls get nervous even when a dove flies really low, so unless i see ALL of them looking up, i take my time getting out there.

An owl flew right over my head while i was riding tonight. It. Was. Silent. :th I'm suprised my horse didn't spook! :lau

Yep! -_- I really hope she isnt... But Sis said that our other 2 rabbits might have dug it last time they escaped. :fl May has just been taking care of it. :lol:

So, I have this polish/silkie mix roo who is the biggest chicken I have in the flock. He is coop emperor or so I thought until yesterday when I saw the silkie hen that I named Brutus clobber him up (in flight too!) and mount his back and held his head with her beak to the ground. My first thought was... whoa, Brutus is a roo! I had to scold myself for forgetting I have been picking up Brutus' eggs for over 6 months now...
Oh wow.... I have a hen who mounts the other hens since her husband died, but a hen takin on a roo?! What breed is she?

On the way to take my daughter to the bus stop this morning I saw something interesting in the middle of the road. On the way home I stopped to see what it was. A broken musk melon! Must have fallen off a farmer's truck. I grabbed it and took it home for the girls.
They're enjoying it now. It took them a minute to investigate before digging beaks in but now they see it for the prize it is. Sweet, juicy. Even the rind is being eaten. It cracks me up when they pull off a big bite and take off with it as if to say "mineminemineminemine!"

It's screaming "I taste like dirt, I swear! Dear God, noooooooooooo! Ah, ow! Noooooooooooo! Not again, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Or maybe you're right. Maybe nothing at all. Lol
LOL :lau
Probably was the crow. My girls get nervous even when a dove flies really low, so unless i see ALL of them looking up, i take my time getting out there.

An owl flew right over my head while i was riding tonight. It. Was. Silent. :th I'm suprised my horse didn't spook! :lau

Doubt it was a corvid that triggered the response though, at most they growl at pigeons and crows, never scatter and hide like my hens did or scream like the roos, even when one lands practically right next to them. Only times I ever see that happen is whenever I hear the faint "kwee" call in the distance of a predatory bird and at times I do spot it circling about, though it seems to get spooked by all the noise from the roos and hens and the crows and magpies don't like it in their area and also chase it off.

I just put out some quail eggs for the corvids to enjoy as a treat, though they ain't 100% trusting me yet and were leering at me from the tree as I put the eggs out and none have come down to take any, yet. :p They usually hang around for breakfast as sometimes they get some bacon cooked up for them which they enjoy.

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