~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

"Well I'm sure they weren't talking about me. My parents are dead." Storm said matter-of-factly. "Then what?" He peered at her eagerly.

Rocket cocked her head in curiosity. She took a wary step forward. "Are you a human-pet? I hear humans keep pigeons in cages, and cut off their wings so they can't fly!"

Blizzard hurriedly followed Moonlight, flapping furiously to get along beside her. "Ravens are so pushy!" He huffed, "It's not like we were gonna invade his territory or somethin'."
Nanako: "I gues you can say I was something like that. Though my human only wanted pigeons to make us race. Pigeons that dont finish the race and are returned..... Most of them arent treated as well as I was. *she was abandoned but does admit that it could have been worse.*
"They act like they have something to hide," Moonlight said. She continued her steep climb skyward, too high for the elderly raven.
"Ok. You're the expert tracker here. Where do you think those birds went?" She cleared her face, making it unreadable.
"Well, I was planning to ask someone who might've seen them." He gave her a pointed look. "But there are other ravens in the forest. Ones who might have more... connections."
Bagel Bite settle into an open cabinet and tossed Fish Sticks a half eaten dead mouse he had been working on. He turned to Riski, "Dunno much, I ran into one and as long as you don't like pigeons they seem to like you. They're mostly loners." He gave Riski a bemused stare, "It's the pigeons you wanna worry 'bout, they may seem like harmless stupid little birds but boy I can tell you what." He gestured to his scratched wings with his beak.
"Settled then." Barky flew up into the air without waiting for a reply, hoping to run into some of his superiors.
Fish Sticks, who had started to doze off, leapt into the air. "Oh... uh, thanks.. what exactly is this?" He questioned, prodding the carcass experimentally with a toe.
Nanako: "I gues you can say I was something like that. Though my human only wanted pigeons to make us race. Pigeons that dont finish the race and are returned..... Most of them arent treated as well as I was. *she was abandoned but does admit that it could have been worse.*
(The asterisks are what she's thinking, right?)

Rocket nodded sagely, like she knew what Nanako was talking about. "Ah, I see. You should really join a gang, though, it's dangerous out here alone." Her tone had turned from light to serious in a moment. "My sister got killed because she wasn't in a gang.. and I was lucky to escape with both wings."
Fish Sticks, who had started to doze off, leapt into the air. "Oh... uh, thanks.. what exactly is this?" He questioned, prodding the carcass experimentally with a toe.

(The asterisks are what she's thinking, right?)

Rocket nodded sagely, like she knew what Nanako was talking about. "Ah, I see. You should really join a gang, though, it's dangerous out here alone." Her tone had turned from light to serious in a moment. "My sister got killed because she wasn't in a gang.. and I was lucky to escape with both wings."
Bagel Bite's eyes narrowed. "You don't go out much, do you? It's a mouse. Think of it as a...hairy fish."
Earl had flown far from the ravens, trying to find some time for himself.
The large black raven landed heavily on a slender branch, though no more than a twig, it supported him like he was nothing but a shadow. He was, by principle, suspending himself in the air by sheer force of greatness alone.
His ever-wandering eye roved the landscape beneath him.
A gull was flapping his great pale wings faster than a strobe light; the sun, having penetrated the trees in this area, was reflecting off his wings making them a painful, brilliant shade of white.
The raven squinted, before giving up on the whole vision thing altogether, opening his ears to the many sounds of the forest. One in particular stood out. The gull was squawking most disgracefully.
"Have you ever thought to go to the ocean, where gulls like you belong?" He inquired politely. "That is, after all, their designated territory, certainly you wouldn't want to ahum..." Earl coughed quietly, "intrude on raven land."
He came to a tumbling, screeching halt and nearly ran into a tree, he was still uneasy on his legs.
Panting heavily and with wild eyes, he looked up and cocked his head at the raven. "I never.. thought.. of that." He said in between breaths, "Maybe I'll just ask my good ol' buddy the hawk up there TO GIVE ME A RIDE." The taxing fight with the pigeons, the questionable ravens, and the squealing human child had drained all of his patience.
Earl squinted. The seagull had an eye tick, and some could argue he was insane. "You do that then," he said, rolling his eyes. His considerable size made him immune to any predatory attacks from above, but he still glanced upward and back to the gull, curious to what his actual motive was.
Still panting, he looked all around and called out for Lore again. The strain from his flapping caused the wounds on his wings to open up again, and blood and adrenaline was pulsating throughout his whole body and making him vibrate. Finally he hobbled over to a bush and just laid down, still keeping an eye on the raven. He was so tired.
(didn't Earl run into Bagel Bite?)
(You're thinking of a dif bird)
(No i'm pretty sure it was Earl the raven, but I can go back and check)
(He did, but I just assumed Earl didn't tell them out of stubbornness or Moonlight's lack of description for Bagel Bite.)
Fish Sticks, who had started to doze off, leapt into the air. "Oh... uh, thanks.. what exactly is this?" He questioned, prodding the carcass experimentally with a toe.

(The asterisks are what she's thinking, right?)

Rocket nodded sagely, like she knew what Nanako was talking about. "Ah, I see. You should really join a gang, though, it's dangerous out here alone." Her tone had turned from light to serious in a moment. "My sister got killed because she wasn't in a gang.. and I was lucky to escape with both wings."
Nanako: "so your not currently in a gang?? Ive only been here for a few days at most, encountered the pigeon clans ????members twice while looking for food now. Wasnt fun at all."

(Not sure what an asterisk is. If its the pigeons that dont finish the races, then yes)
Bagel Bite's eyes narrowed. "You don't go out much, do you? It's a mouse. Think of it as a...hairy fish."
"Well, pigeons chased me outta the city, so I never really tried to go back. Water and discarded fries are all a gull needs, in my opinion. Mice? Those are like small rats, aren't they?" Fish Sticks had started to gain back his voice. "Ya know, I wouldn't be able to tell anyway, seeing as it's so.. used. I know what rats look like, anyhow, eaten a few before..." He mumbled to himself, his words starting to get inaudible as he chewed on the mouse.
Nanako: "so your not currently in a gang?? Ive only been here for a few days at most, encountered the pigeon clans ????members twice while looking for food now. Wasnt fun at all."

(Not sure what an asterisk is. If its the pigeons that dont finish the races, then yes)
(Asterisks are these: ***)

"Nah, I joined one when my sister died. Couldn't be on my own any longer... had to fight for something, you know?" Rocket said, her voice softening. Though she was young, she had an air about her that seemed much older.
(Asterisks are these: ***)

"Nah, I joined one when my sister died. Couldn't be on my own any longer... had to fight for something, you know?" Rocket said, her voice softening. Though she was young, she had an air about her that seemed much older.
(Oh, nope, starts are actions, though not sure if something the characters know would be a thought or not, so I typically treate it as a discription of the situation, or action, so it would go in between the stars. {Thoughts}

Nanako: cant say yes or no. I didnt know pigeons really lived in that way until I came here honestly.

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