~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

Cat-Eyes gestured in the general direction of the least-cluttered part of the nest. "You an' your chick can sleep there. I need to check on some of my stuff below. Don't want the rain wetting it." She winked and hopped back out into the rain.

Storm hesitantly followed Molly, looking around suspiciously at all the bits and pieces of things. "Why's she have all this junk?" He questioned loudly.
“No idea but hey she’s letting us stay here. We should be very thankful” Molly smiled at Storm “Come on Let’s go to our part of the nest”
Azaz felt a stab of anger. How dare this pitiful bird try to dominate her? Her feathers started to rise, and before she knew it, she was poised to lung. Luckily, perhaps, for it would've been quite embarrassing to start fighting a prisoner, Shadow made her appearance.
"Knock it off," she growled, and Azaz instantly backed away, the angry glint still in her eyes.

Shadow approached Magnolia, examining her with an almost bored expression. "Do you know who I am?" She asked.
Pinto swelled with satisfaction when he saw that he had affected her. He opened his beak to make some some jabbing remark when he heard Magnolia stutter. He turned around and when he saw her she softened, and this time a more justified anger rose up in him. He wiped back around, eyeing Azaz with hard eyes. "What's meaning of this?!" He'd hiss. "Stealing our young? Are you pigs finally indulging yourselves?"
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“No idea but hey she’s letting us stay here. We should be very thankful” Molly smiled at Storm “Come on Let’s go to our part of the nest”
Storm nodded, and resisted the urge to ask more questions. Molly didn't seem to have many answers.
Pinto swelled with satisfaction when he saw that he had affected her. He opened his beak to make some some jabbing remark when he heard Magnolia stutter. He turned around and when he saw her she softened, and this time a more justified anger rose up in him. He wiped back around, eyeing Azaz with hard eyes. "What's meaning of this?!" He'd hiss. "Stealing our young? Are you pigs finally indulging yourselves?"
Azaz narrowed her eyes at him. "Shut up, crow, Shadow is speaking." She hissed. Clearly, she itched to dig her claws into him.
“No M-m-m’am!” Magnolia manage to whisper, voice shaking with fear. The way she says it... like I should know... I think I should be afraid right now.
"Really?" Shadow sounded genuinely disappointed. She looked around at the other ravens. "Am I really that insignificant?" She looked to Azaz. Azaz shrugged.
Shadow looked back at Magnolia. "I am Shadow," she cawed, as if that wasn't clear by now. "Ruler of the woods!" She practically spat this out, and there was contempt in her voice and eyes as she looked at the crow.
Shadow looked back at Magnolia. "I am Shadow," she cawed, as if that wasn't clear by now. "Ruler of the woods!" She practically spat this out, and there was contempt in her voice and eyes as she looked at the crow.
"Oh," Magnolia said, avoiding the contemptuous raven's eyes. Overdramatic as this raven may have been, the young crow felt genuine fear racing through her veins. What does she want to do to me? She wondered. Magnolia's head sunk lower into her fluff and feathers, like a little fluffy ball deflating.
Shadow looked back at Magnolia. "I am Shadow," she cawed, as if that wasn't clear by now. "Ruler of the woods!" She practically spat this out, and there was contempt in her voice and eyes as she looked at the crow.
"Ruler of the woods.." Pinto mused, speaking boldly. "The Ravens having order? Have you finally learned to care about something other than yourselves?" He'd glance around at the group with laughing eyes. He knew this wasn't a very good strategy, but he honestly couldn't help himself.
"Oh," Magnolia said, avoiding the contemptuous raven's eyes. Overdramatic as this raven may have been, the young crow felt genuine fear racing through her veins. What does she want to do to me? She wondered. Magnolia's head sunk lower into her fluff and feathers, like a little fluffy ball deflating.
There would be an audible sneer as Shadow stated herself.
Shadow turned to him, a flash of annoyance in her eyes.
"Ruler of the woods.." Pinto mused, speaking boldly. "The Ravens having order? Have you finally learned to care about something other than yourselves?" He'd glance around at the group with laughing eyes. He knew this wasn't a very good strategy, but he honestly couldn't help himself.
Azaz's feathers started to stand up. She looked five seconds away from ripping out his throat. "I'll teach you to disrespect ravens-" she growled.
"Enough," Shadow snapped, and with that one commanding word, Azaz stepped back. She didn't look happy about it, though, and clawed at the dirty straw floor with barely concealed rage.
Thattel gave Aspen (@LoveMyChickenBabies ) a sideways look.
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