fuzzi's Chicken Journal

The food coloring arrived this afternoon.

After dark I recruited my brother to help me mark the Sussex' vents. I took them off the roost, one at a time, and as he held them upside down I applied a few drops of different colors in their vents so I can identify their eggs.

Rahab: violet

Martha: blue

Hannah: green

I was wearing my headlamp on the red light but had to switch over to white to confirm which hen was receiving which color. As I returned each hen to the roost I saw Samuel glaring, staring at me, and he didn't look sleepy. I believe he would have attacked me if it weren't dark.

I kept an eye on him as I removed and returned each hen.
I just walked by someone's desk and saw this:
View attachment 3759440
I left a note with my email address next to the chicks. The student responded by email, said she and her boyfriend crochet them, they're $6 each.

I sent her photos of Hannah and one of the Dominiques, asked her if she could make something similar. I was thinking she could use variegated yarn, perhaps?
Variegated yard yarn would look nice!

Good luck on your egg I.d.'s!

edited to correct auto correct, the blasted thing😝
Thank you.

Auto Co-wreck did it to me as well. 🙄

I'm confused, I got three eggs. Martha was sitting in a box for a couple hours, and still no sign of colors...


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