fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Awesome tips! Thank u so much!
I've got to get this done before I end up fallin over my temporary contraption I've rigged up.
Hoping DH will assist...but bungee cords are definitely good idea!

Edited: oh one more question!
My ares may require 2 cattle panels...which means I may need to cut off some. I have the 19 garage HWC and used tensnips to cut it. Will i be able to use them to cut the cattle panels too? I know it is a lot thicker so wasn't sure.
You could overlap the 2 panels where you join them or even better would be to leave a bit of overhang on each end. The over hang helps keep rain or snow out so things are dry inside. All depends on your space. Good luck on your build!
Awesome tips! Thank u so much!
I've got to get this done before I end up fallin over my temporary contraption I've rigged up.
Hoping DH will assist...but bungee cords are definitely good idea!

Edited: oh one more question!
My ares may require 2 cattle panels...which means I may need to cut off some. I have the 19 garage HWC and used tensnips to cut it. Will i be able to use them to cut the cattle panels too? I know it is a lot thicker so wasn't sure.
My hoop coop is 16' x 8'. I overlapped four cattle panels, then secured them with black zip-ties since they're not supposed to degrade as quickly as white ones. Some people use wire. I tried using wire, but I lack enough hand strength to tighten it, even with plyers. Some people like to use hog rings to attach wire fencing, others don't.

If you decide to cut the cattle panels you'll need bolt cutters, or a grinder. When I made my tomato trellis I did cut the panel, with bolt cutters (we had a pair on hand), and I was able to cut the panels by myself, despite arthritic hands.

ETA: here's the post where I zip-tied the cattle panels: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fuzzis-chicken-journal.1550586/post-26469743
I think I would remove his leg band just before I took him to the auction. You never know who will get them. Someone new to chickens may not realize how important it is to check them.

He is a pretty boy.
I think I will wait, because I will be removing him from the roost tonight, and don't want to grab the wrong cockerel in the dark.

I've had that happen with fast-growing cockerels when they got missed in the crowd. :(

He'll probably be OK after a bit, but do get the tight bands off ASAP.
This afternoon I sat down for a while in the coop. At one point I slowly reached out and grabbed Joel, who didn't appreciate it, squawking and flapping his wings. I flipped him onto his back on my lap and snipped off the blue ring. Purple leaped up onto my lap and pecked me as I was holding Joel. It wasn't hard, just a warning I think!

Joel's been standing on my foot for more than 5 minutes...am I forgiven?

Right leg sans ring, just a slight mark:


And Samuel?


Hopefully the indentation will disappear, in time.
I now have FOUR cockerels trying to crow!

(left to right Joel, "Purple/yellow", "Green")

"Red" tries to crow...I shouldn't have laughed!
I'm envious of the fact that yours actually sound to have all the parts of the cock-a-doodle-doo there from the beginning. All three of my roos seem to have issues with the "a-doodle" part. One of them got lazy as he matured and now just screams three long, progressively higher and louder notes in a row.
We're here at the auction house, waiting to begin.

Poor little Fleck, there's a glut of roosters here. He's in the white basket in the middle ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I can hear him from inside, he's letting them know that HE is here! 🤣😆🤣



25 minutes to the start.

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