fuzzi's Chicken Journal

I had a Black Australorpe named Betty. She lived to be about 9 yrs old. Never saw her be mean to anyone. She was in charge though and no body messed with her. One day Mocha (Marans) walked up and bowed her chest out at Betty. Betty poofed out her chest and stared at her. I though they were going to fight. Nope. Mocha relaxed back out and slowly turned and got on the roost.

Betty was the boss till she passed away. She got a bit feeble acting some days at the end of her life. But still no body messed with her.

:confused: I wonder how these decisions are made? :hmm
I had a Black Australorpe named Betty. She lived to be about 9 yrs old. Never saw her be mean to anyone. She was in charge though and no body messed with her. One day Mocha (Marans) walked up and bowed her chest out at Betty. Betty poofed out her chest and stared at her. I though they were going to fight. Nope. Mocha relaxed back out and slowly turned and got on the roost.

Betty was the boss till she passed away. She got a bit feeble acting some days at the end of her life. But still no body messed with her.

:confused: I wonder how these decisions are made? :hmm
They just KNOW... ;)

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