fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Clumps of weeds with roots and dirt:



Today was mild, overcast, and just a slight breeze. A friend came over in the morning and bought our truck, but after lunch I headed outside to do some yard work.

I mowed the ditch, and had a bag of shredded leaves that I put in the coop. Martha hopped into the middle of the pile, and it was deep enough that I couldn't see her legs.

Then I shook out the mower bag and it startled all the flock, they fluttered away from me in all directions. One of the Dominiques landed in the rubber water pan, up to her belly, she looked like a duck. She also looked startled, frozen in place, so I went over to assist. As I reached for her she found her courage and jumped out of the pan. I laughed.

I removed the waterers to clean them.

Water and white vinegar and a toothbrush did the job well.


Much better!

I had gathered one egg around 10am, and noticed that Hannah was in the left-hand box. When I went back about an hour later I gathered Hannah's egg, marked it. Later, while I was working in the gardens I heard a cacophony coming from the coop. It was Martha singing about her egg. I gathered it, marked it as hers.

Three eggs again, yippee!
Somehow I have missed the fact for 2 years that BYC's favorite Grape Giver has a special flock thread like this, plus a chicken named Rahab 🤣

Good job cleaning those waterers! Something I also did the day before yesterday, to which I would add that there's nothing quite like scraping cemented chicken poop off a waterer lid in the kitchen sink because...winter! Sorry for the kitchen sink and all of the sanitation rules voided for a worthy cause 😉
Somehow I have missed the fact for 2 years that BYC's favorite Grape Giver has a special flock thread like this, plus a chicken named Rahab 🤣

Good job cleaning those waterers! Something I also did the day before yesterday, to which I would add that there's nothing quite like scraping cemented chicken poop off a waterer lid in the kitchen sink because...winter! Sorry for the kitchen sink and all of the sanitation rules voided for a worthy cause 😉
Aw, thank you for coming by and visiting my thread!

It's definitely Spring here.

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