That lettuce looks so scrumptious! Your onions look great too (love the cat in the pic LOL!)
I put some sweet bell peppers and some cucumbers in pots on the porch last night. I'm moving and can't start a garden because I'm not in the new place yet. Just had to get something going. I havnt had a garden for ten years and I'm ready to ease my way back into it.


Nothing major, just what I have right now. My goal right now is stuff for fresh salads and snacks. I'm building box planters next week to grow spinach on top of an old picnic table.
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Overview shot of the garden...sweet corn, bush cucumber, tomatoes (celebrity, grape, and beefsteak), sweet banana peppers, romaine lettuce, and four blueberry bushes (jersey and three other varieties whose names escape me...). Definitely my largest garden in a while.

Couldn't get enough of it...decided to create two garden boxes out of spare wood that has been laying around. Definitely put it to good use!

First box "the rectangle" - cherry tomato, banana peppers (I'm a big fan!), broccoli, italian variety sweet peppers and caribbean sweet peppers, and a row of leaf lettuce in the very front. I have never grown these last two peppers before so I'm excited!

Second box "the triangle" - Rutgers tomato!!! Seemed fitting, as I do live in New Jersey!!! Then there is husky tomatoes and a variety of yellow cherry tomato (also a new one)...the front and right side of the triangle is all bush beans.

Front view of the garden. The blueberry bushes are placed along the back and you can make them out here. They are all small, not even knee high, but two are already producing blueberries. Two others are growing healthy but have yet to bud, and the two planted outside the fence were ordered online and took a while to come out of dormancy...but have finally begun to green up since being planted.

This is the outside of the fence. Contains one lone tomato (I will probably pick up a few friends for it soon), a sugar baby watermelon, the two blueberry bushes in the back which are tough to see, and a raspberry bush, which is the plant furthest to the right. I was at the garden center and it just looked so healthy, so I figured what the heck!

And finally, to the left of the garden sits the grapevine, which grows like a weed and actually has small grapes on it. Also found this at the garden center on sale and it was just so healthy looking so I picked it up at a great price. They are chardonnay grapes, which are probably used for wine making, so I'm not sure if they will taste sweet or bitter. Probably should have checked the tag and looked into it a bit more, but I am staying optimistic! If they don't taste great, I can make some wine, age it for two years, and drink it when I'm 21!

So, I think this is a pretty decent garden for a 19 year old college kid! I'm all about growing food (for a variety of reasons) and I really decided to step things up this year. Just when you thought it was over, however, there's more!!! I have seedlings of bush lake beans, early variety tomatoes, carolina cross watermelons (yes, those are the watermelons that can grow well over 100 pounds, sugar baby watermelons (seeded them before I purchased the plant, deck hybrid corn from burpee, and two types of sunflower seed! I really got into this, lol, but I love it. Took some pretty solid protection measures and I am hoping that everything works out well. I have a modest investment in this garden, as I started some of the plants on my own, but all of this vegetation combined definitely totaled under $100, so I am really looking at a profitable return here. Will have to update with my harvest! Hope everyone enjoys!!!!
I am going to start mtfirst garden this actually... It'll be a raised bed garden. I am looking into Square Foot Gardening, but I was wondering whether to start my seeds in an egg carton with organic soil..or something else. I've seen them started in eggs and in newspaper "pots". Wanted to start them in an egg carton but I was afraid it would grow moldy or something. Read somewhere that someone's did. I am just very apprehensive about starting the seeds and getting that part right so they'll thrive. Any advice?
Also, my son wants me to plant strawberries in our garden. Any advice on doing that? I read that I have to put some kind of netting up, so that birds don't get them, right?
I am going to start mtfirst garden this actually... It'll be a raised bed garden. I am looking into Square Foot Gardening, but I was wondering whether to start my seeds in an egg carton with organic soil..or something else. I've seen them started in eggs and in newspaper "pots". Wanted to start them in an egg carton but I was afraid it would grow moldy or something. Read somewhere that someone's did. I am just very apprehensive about starting the seeds and getting that part right so they'll thrive. Any advice?
Garden Centers and Home Depot, etc, sell small greenhouse kits that sprout seeds very well. I used them and was very successful in getting my plants to start.
On "garbage day" I keep an eye open for discarded old windows on the curb, and snatch them up. I have enough to build several cold frames now. Wish I hadn't been so lazy this past winter or I would've had them ready for seedlings this season. Oh well. I'm going to have them ready to put late cool-season crops in this fall instead.

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