Garden thread

Nothing sprouted yet. I know it's only been a few days but that wait for the baby plants is unbearable!
Here you go, maybe this will tide you over...basil in the pot, alyssum in the ground.
Nothing sprouted yet. I know it's only been a few days but that wait for the baby plants is unbearable!

I know what you mean. My tomatoes are coming along, but the squash is not. The seeds are from last year so maybe that’s the problem. The tomato seeds are also from last year, and in fact the Mortgage Lifter seeds are several years old, but apparently still good. The spaghetti squash seeds were bought this year though, and only one has come up, no sign of the others, so maybe they just need more time.

@igorsMistress I can smell the basil from here...:)
There is a product that you can put in your soil that will stop all seeds from germinating but doesn't bother anything that is actually growing already. If he doesn't direct seed, there is a good chance he has that in his beds to keep the weed seeds from growing.
Corn gluten meal is what your talking about. It also provides a slow release of nitrogen. I use it in my asparagus beds.

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