I love zucchini. Especially sliced length wise, dredged in italian dressing and grilled. The only reason I'm not fond of patty pan is b/c I can't pick it fast enough.
I hate zucchini, dad used to make me eat it. I feed any i grow to the animals.
DW who does most of the cooking, and I who does 50% of the eating like sorrel soup. She also adds it to meatloaf type dishes. It is a perennial, but sometimes you just need to replant new bed. It will grow in shade. It is not invasive at all. That is why I needed to baby it. :gigI container grew it this year for the sake of competition from my hens. It grew all summer and DW would pick the larger leaves and bag them in plastic baggies and freeze for later use. Some we used right away. The small leaves remaining would just keep growing and process kept going. It is possible to let plant mature and go to seed. Collect the seeds for next year.
It is a common food for people of Eastern Europe, and Israel. The seeds as well as the jars of canned sorrel come from those areas. I find the seeds at European Delis in the spring. (Chicago area) They seem to be the first seeds they run out of. (go fast, and maybe quantities ordered are small). Never seen them at other seed displays like at Walmart.
NFC, and LG, If you are interested in seeds, PM me and I will send some via US mail. Already have another person locally I will get some for. Seeds do not appear until about March.
LG, If you are interested in seeds, PM me and I will send some via US mail. Already have another person locally I will get some for. Seeds do not appear until about March.

Thank you for that most kind offer. I will work on putting my seed order together this week, and see if I can order it before they sell out.
I've been looking for a ebook on gardening in a greenhouse in the south.
Auburn U wrote a series of books and sell them only on IBooks.
I have windows so I can't read them.

We are talking about building a greenhouse this year.

Do any of you know of any I can read on how to maintain the temp and humidity?
I'm also looking at getting some kind of shade cloth for July and August.
DW who does most of the cooking, and I who does 50% of the eating like sorrel soup. She also adds it to meatloaf type dishes. It is a perennial, but sometimes you just need to replant new bed. It will grow in shade. It is not invasive at all. That is why I needed to baby it. :gigI container grew it this year for the sake of competition from my hens. It grew all summer and DW would pick the larger leaves and bag them in plastic baggies and freeze for later use. Some we used right away. The small leaves remaining would just keep growing and process kept going. It is possible to let plant mature and go to seed. Collect the seeds for next year.
It is a common food for people of Eastern Europe, and Israel. The seeds as well as the jars of canned sorrel come from those areas. I find the seeds at European Delis in the spring. (Chicago area) They seem to be the first seeds they run out of. (go fast, and maybe quantities ordered are small). Never seen them at other seed displays like at Walmart.
NFC, and LG, If you are interested in seeds, PM me and I will send some via US mail. Already have another person locally I will get some for. Seeds do not appear until about March.

That's very generous of you, thanks. But pass them on to someone else that wants to try it...summer time is the busiest time at work for me and I probably wouldn't have the time to plant them. Thank you anyway!

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