WOW !! I never expected so many birthday good wishes.. thank you all..
I plan on getting my tractor up and going today.. If that happens, it will be the best present I need.
as long as I have access, I am changing
both V Belts. One really needs it, the other not so much, but it is over 15 years old, why push it
it is 32F here this morning according to my phone. I was outside and there was ice on the rear car window. but the tomatoes were only wet, like dew. I am not going to do anything to try to save them, If they make it, fine. I don't think the tomatoes themselves froze..
On monday we are getting a large truckload of granite for the driveway. lots of dips and divots to fill in.. It is only a temporary fix to get us through winter. We tried and tried to get someone wiht a bulldozer to come in and level it all off. I guess nobody needs the work.
another of our favorite restaurants is closing it's doors.. this is a Chinese / Thai one.
No more take out..
@jvls1942 Happy Birthday!!
I hear ya on the tractor, with a 15 year old belt, since you have access, change it out. Some of those belts can be a bear to get at to fix.

Sorry to hear about the restaurant closing. It seems that when we find a restaurant that we like, it closes it's doors. Hope something new and better moves in and fills the void.
our go-to Mexican restaurant closed suddenly. I think because of lack of customers..They could do only carry out, and no place can last long that way. We found this Chinese/Thai one just a couple of weeks ago. Found out that they make really good Panang Gai. Now the cook/father wants to retire. So Sunday is their last day.
Today is my birthday so we will try to get some food from there for the last time..
We did find another Mexican restaurant but it is quite a drive from home.. about 20 miles.
Very clean place and very good food.
I am a standstill on the tractor repair. Need a longer vbelt. I should have one by noon..
@jvls1942 Happy Birthday!!
I hear ya on the tractor, with a 15 year old belt, since you have access, change it out. Some of those belts can be a bear to get at to fix.

Sorry to hear about the restaurant closing. It seems that when we find a restaurant that we like, it closes it's doors. Hope something new and better moves in and fills the void.
husband says, we close them down if we like to eat there, for a while it seemed that everytime we found a restaurant we liked, we would eat there and the following week, it was gone :idunno
we do have a good Chinese restaurant that we love, its still there , praise the lord
today , for my birthday, my nephew who lives with us, one daughter and my wife and I , went for the last time to the closing Chinese restaurant.. the tables are so far apart that you can't even hear the other people speaking. at least twelve feet.
we got the hydraulics put back together on the tractor. Have to pick up some set screws tomorrow and then we can put the radiator back on..
I took pictures . I will post them if anybody is interested.. I designed and built this hydraulic system for this tractor..
At last, a SMALL benefit to this lousy virus. Eating out and able to talk without having to yell across the table!

Glad you had a nice BDay dinner.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about your BDay? I have a friend who was also born on this day of the year and after the 9/11 attacks she's just never really cared much about her BDay.

this is the hydraulic pump and shaft after we installed them.
from front to rear. pump, mounting bracket, flexible coupling on the pump, drive shaft, flexible coupling on the front of the motor pulley..
took these pictures as proof that I was really working on it. LOL

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