Gardens, anyone? What are you growing this year?


Free Ranging
16 Years
Feb 14, 2008
This world is not my home.
What are you all growing this year? Trying any new methods, plants, etc. ? Excited about the season? I am!!!!

I even put my poor chickens in a run while the plants are growing and will let them out when the plants are big enough to survive the damage! Love my garden AND my chickens, but hated confining them to a run, even though it is fairly large at approx. 65 ft. x 10 ft. Just kind of sad to watch them walk the fence, looking for a way out!
I did and I hope they start a link like the one here where you can check your posts without having to subscribe to the topic. I like getting an easy access to questions I have asked. You think they will have that soon? Maybe they have it and I'm just not seeing it?
LOTS of broccoli, tons of snow peas, cukes, cabbage, variety leaf lettuce, peppers, sweet corn, tomatoes, pumpkins (later) and potatoes.

We have corn, okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatos and watermalon, we had peas but they all died out of nowhere. My husband is wanting to double the size of the garden in the fall. Happy growing everyone!
Lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, onions, herbs, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, beans, squash, watermelon, canteloupe, corn, sunflower seeds, wheat, milo, millet, marigold, sweet peas. I know I am forgetting something but, well, lots of goodies!
Lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, onions, herbs, peas, beans, squash, watermelon, corn, sunflowers, raspberries, currents, carrots, pumpkins. We also have 3 cherry trees and will have 3 apple trees planted this year. We will be making preserves this year with himi blackberries too.
We have cabbage, onions, potatoes, zucchini, green beans & strawberries.

And cantley2003::::I have tried for 2 years to get my hubby to make our big garden bigger but I can't get him to budge, he says we won't take care of it like it should be.
Irish potatoes, snap beans, tomatoes, purple hull peas, and enough squash to feed a third world country! LOL! We need to replant watermelons as we had a late cold snap that killed them.
Carrots, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, fingerling potatoes, and broccoli. I wanted to plant garlic, then discovered you have to plant it in the fall.

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