Gave chicks first real snacks I have a question.....

My feed store sells the crushed granite grit for like $.75/lb so I got a 2 lb bag for the girls for almost nothing and sprinkle some in their brooder so they can eat all the bugs and ticks I want to throw in there! They love spiders!
U r welcome! I would still get the sand or chick grit when u can. I leave a frisbee of sand in their brooder all the time. They like to eat it too and will dust bathe in it (fun to watch!!). That way I can give crickets and stuff and not have to worry about if I should give grit or not! Have fun!
I'm a newbie too. I started out with giving grit (construction grade sand) in a frisbee when they were about 2 weeks old. They love to eat it and scratch at it and play in it. I started giving treats after they had the grit for a few days. I only gave soft treats like boiled eggs and yogurt with their crumbles mixed in...then started introducing some bugs and BOSS. I'm not giving advice, just sharing what I have done. My girlies r 4, 5, & 6 weeks old and are all healthy & happy!
They should always b eating their crumbles at primary source of food bcuz it has all the nutrients they need to grow and b healthy. Too many treats r a bad thing!

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