Gays Mills, Wisconsin, USA


May 25, 2018
I started a small flock of chickens just over two years ago and I love them. We bought chicks which I kept in a large dog crate in my basement until they were fully fledged. I spent a lot of time with them and they will come when I whistle and will allow me to pet them and pick them up. There are about 4 out of 14 that are skittish, but all will respond to the whistle for food.

I've recently acquired peafowl - my first came as a rescue when a friend lost her dairy farm. I got him a girlfriend and they were together, wandering our farm for just over a year when they disappeared. We have coyotes, bobcats, cougars, and black bears around here, so I fear they have been killed. I then purchased a yearling peacock and peahen from the local Mr. Peacock and he has given me good advice on how to keep the new pair safe. I plan to buy 4 chicks from Mr. Peacock at the end of June so that I may train them similarly to my chickens.

Both of my new peafowl are missing some nails. I'm not sure what that is about, so if you have some information to share, please do!


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