Geese aggressiveness questions

My geese were bullies with my dogs when my gander bit my dog on the butt and she turned and grabbed him by the neck [thank goodness she didn't bite down} I knew I needed to do some training so when I let my birds and dogs out together [my dogs aren't in with my birds they are separated by fencing. ] What I did when they were together was I always had a long pole with me a broom handle or mop handle something like that and when my geese would start after one of my dogs I would stop them in their tracks by putting the pole between them and the dogs. It is something you have to be consistent with so they get the message being a bully isn't tolerated. My geese are now 13 and 8 yrs old and they know that being hateful to the dogs isn't tolerated so they just go about their business.

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