Geese & Chickens - Can they live together?

So sorry to hear about your geese plucking. For 17 years, I had ducks and one Pilgrim gander. He protected those ducks as if they were his babies. He was a rascal to any human, but when it came to his ducks, he was a great daddy. In fact, I named him Shadow, as he would 'shadow' my mallard duck anywhere she went. Best of luck with your geese. They can be a handful.
I have 4 breeds of Geese as listed :brown African, french Toulouse, embolden, Pilgrim.

I had 6 young geese hatch this year.....

they now 5 months old and I have 19 geese all together my geese start laying eggs in may and march and early jun.July being

Hatching out eggs about 36 days...

I love having my Geese they are fun to raise and when hand raised they think your mom and will follow you every where you go you'll need a fencing ares to us
as play pen to keep them in when need go the phone and keep dogs, wild animals away from your babies geese are small at first and all ways be with kids when

they handling they the young geese as they get broken legs or wings so pleases be care full .....

this pic is of all 7 babies this summer in July 4 th Thur 6 of month it great summer with my babies : ) .

3 females and 1 male Pilgrims,Brown African..
eggs 1- 5 price is $10.50 each no refunds sorry as I am not big time hatchery just person love having geese as pets...

this is the 7 baby a female goose hatch here this year

a male,female 4 th July babies.

pics above are some the baby geese look like so you can see what you'll be dealing with after the eggs you get hatch...
you'll need to pick up eggs from my home as don't ship.....

I live in MI the same as you do.....
you can find me on water fowl fancier on face book ...
as you see i have had no problems with them being together. But mine were all raised Together from brith. Plus for the frist year there raised indoors so i can keep a eye on them and make sure they're behaving and following the rules.
Emden Geese behavior: Hi folks. I have on the farm cows, chickens, Emden and Toulouse Geese. Everyone gets along except this bizarre situation and anyone that has some reasoning they would like to throw in the pot I would appreciate it. Two summers ago I bought a male and two females from one of the mail order hatcheries. Then last summer, a male and two females again from a male order hatchery with all of them being day old birds. The thinking was since I heard they mate for life, surely I would get some eggs with a 2nd female as a backup. Everything's going along fine until this fall. Something caught my eye and I see the older male and the younger male, (both being full grown) running across the yard, then back again with one of them honking like he's being killed. The older male has a mouthful of the younger male's back feathers. Don't know what started it, don't know if he crossed that invisible you better not mess with my wife line, or what ever happened I just don't know. As the weeks progress, the attacks continue with me always separating them and saving the younger male, who by now is acting depressed, staying away from the rest of them, keeping his distance so to speak. In that they get along very well with the chickens, I put the young goose in with the chickens so he had company, food and water, etc. After two weeks and thinking the older male had now gotten this obsession out of his system, I put the younger goose back in in with the rest of his gang. Next morning I find he is dead. Apparently by the look of all his back feathers disarrayed and Goose Bite marks on his beak coupled with the cold and shock, it just was all too much for him.

Question is, why? I have never heard of a single male thinking the entire harem was his. No, the younger male was not sick as that much was established. Well, back to the farm and take care.
Emden Geese behavior: Hi folks. I have on the farm cows, chickens, Emden and Toulouse Geese. Everyone gets along except this bizarre situation and anyone that has some reasoning they would like to throw in the pot I would appreciate it. Two summers ago I bought a male and two females from one of the mail order hatcheries. Then last summer, a male and two females again from a male order hatchery with all of them being day old birds. The thinking was since I heard they mate for life, surely I would get some eggs with a 2nd female as a backup. Everything's going along fine until this fall. Something caught my eye and I see the older male and the younger male, (both being full grown) running across the yard, then back again with one of them honking like he's being killed. The older male has a mouthful of the younger male's back feathers. Don't know what started it, don't know if he crossed that invisible you better not mess with my wife line, or what ever happened I just don't know. As the weeks progress, the attacks continue with me always separating them and saving the younger male, who by now is acting depressed, staying away from the rest of them, keeping his distance so to speak. In that they get along very well with the chickens, I put the young goose in with the chickens so he had company, food and water, etc. After two weeks and thinking the older male had now gotten this obsession out of his system, I put the younger goose back in in with the rest of his gang. Next morning I find he is dead. Apparently by the look of all his back feathers disarrayed and Goose Bite marks on his beak coupled with the cold and shock, it just was all too much for him.

Question is, why? I have never heard of a single male thinking the entire harem was his. No, the younger male was not sick as that much was established. Well, back to the farm and take care.
I would say it´s breeding/territory stuff. And some will think the whole harem is theirs...after all, only 4 geese, right? Did they not have much room?
Then it was made worse by the older gander having the females all to himself, and then suddenly this young male turns up again....almost inevitable outcome considering what was already happening.
If you want to have 2 males, you´ll really need to separate them for the breeding season. I understand that Embdens are quite territorial, some being moreso than others. Poor young male. I take it you intend to eat all the offspring the geese produce? If so, no problem, but if you hope to keep some, you may consider trying to get a more placid male to replace this one, as he most likely will pass this quite aggressive trait on to his offspring. (I think Embden keepers may find this more aggressive than normal....but I´m not sure) Someone with Embdens can tell you with more experience with them than me.
they can only live together outside the breeding season for the geese. That would be from the time the day light gets longer and the geese want to set their perimeters to lay eggs and raise babies. The chickens are at danger at this time. Even if the goose eggs are collected the geese still want to raise their brood and will continue to protect their area. Best to set them to a secluded place in the garden and let the chickens run the range. Its all about priorities and sadly the chickens at this time of year will pay dearly.
Geese shouldn't be "cooped" but she be allowed to range during the day.  They can then be trained to "go to bed" in a coop only at night.  But, keeping them in any confined space is just going to create a wet and muddy mess.

My geese are indifferent towards chickens.  There is no real bond amongst them.

Guess you got good answers, but I'll put my two cents in anyway.  /img/smilies/tongue.png  We have 15 chickens and 6 geese and 2 turkeys.  They free range all day and sleep together in a coop at night, and everybody gets along just fine.

I have 12 chickens. 3 adult ducks and 2 geese - they all free range during the day . Chickens often go one way ducks& geese another . They all get cooped for bed . We've had no problems ;)
2 girls! Haha it was a long wait to find out . But they are both laying like crazy . Was every other day. Now it's every day . Chickens ducks geese - so many eggs!!
Great, and that´s probably why it´s fairly peaceful where you are, as opposed to having a gander.
One of my geese kept me guessing... for a long time I thought she was a gander, until I bought another trio, and discovered she was actually a goose! (The gander was busily mating with her, and she subsequently laid eggs)...She´s like a gander in her behaviour, very bossy and forward. she´s the matriarch of her family, consisting of her two sisters, their gander, and 11 youngsters. She leads the way and the rest follow. My other family of geese is quite normal!

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