Gender and possible parentage guesses


Jan 3, 2023
Hi, I got a dozen hatching eggs from a lady who said she had 1 Cuckoo Marans Rooster and 1 Cochin Rooster and a mix of Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger, and Cochin hens. So, in theory you should get a nice assortment of mixes with possiblities of true bred Marans and Cochins. Please look at the photos and help out if you can. I am seeing traits that don't match any of those. 5 toes on 2 of the chicks is one of the traits that none of the above parentage should have made. Also, I did see the Cochin Roo and he was a stunningly beautiful Lavender Rooster that was in all honesty, the largest rooster I have ever seen. He had to be pushing 20 pounds! (He was the reason I bought the eggs)

Also, any guesses as to the genders would be helpful as well.

They are all 1 month old in the pictures.


My Guess - Cochin Easter Egger Mix - Pullet -
Egg Color - Blue
Parents - Cochin Roo (obvious, he looks to much like his dad) / an Easter Egger Hen

001_Lav.jpg 002_lav.jpg

My Guess - unknown mix - Cockerel
Egg Color - Blue Egg
Parents - Cuckoo Marans Rooster / Some type of Silkie or Dorking ???? I have no idea

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My Guess - A Silkie Mix of some type - Cockerel
Egg Color - PINK EGG
Parentage - From what she said she owned - A miracle chick :) somehow got black skin and 5 toes on one foot without a chicken present with those genes. (My wife's favorite) Also it's skin just started turning black about a week and a half ago.

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My Guess -Marans Cochin - Cockerel
Egg Color - Olive Egg
Parentage - No idea but I believe one was a Cochin

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My Guess - Unknown Mix - Pullet
Egg Color - Brown Egg
Parentage - Unknown for either

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My Guess - Another Miracle Silkie? - 5 toes on both feet with feathered legs and a cool Mohawk on his head - Cockerel
Egg Color - Olive Egg
Parentage - Unknown

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My Guess - Marans Mix - Gender ??
Egg Color - Brown Egg
Parentage - Don't know

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My guess is...
It's early to know for sure, but in my limited experience, any hint of redness in the comb before 10 weeks is a good sign for being a rooster. 🤷‍♀️
Here are some guesses from someone who is still trying to figure this all out for herself, lol!

#1- pullet
#2- cockerel, EE mix
#3- cockerel
#4- cockerel, Marans mix
#5- pullet
#6- cockerel, EE mix
#7- no idea
believe it or not 1 pullet, the rest were roos... just my luck this time :)
Wow! Your odds may be actually worse than mine! Lol! My first hatch was 4/5 Roos. My second hatch included 4 BCMs (3/4 Roos). I also have 7 BYM chicks which are undetermined, but pretty confident at least 4 are Roos so far…).

Which one of yours turned out to be the pullet?

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