

Nov 25, 2017
South Australia
Hello, I hatched a dozen eggs a few weeks back but only one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes hatched which is this little one here.

This baby is now 4 weeks, 6 days old and I can't figure out the gender. It was super slow to feather in but I think that might be a breed thing?

Anyone have any guesses as to this ones gender?

Thanks, Chasey


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Hello, I hatched a dozen eggs a few weeks back but only one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes hatched which is this little one here.

This baby is now 4 weeks, 6 days old and I can't figure out the gender. It was super slow to feather in but I think that might be a breed thing?

Anyone have any guesses as to this ones gender?

Thanks, Chasey
Pretty little thing.😊
Looks like a pullet, SO FAR.
Though Wyandottes are slow to develop and you really will not be able to tell gender with certainty for several more weeks.
I also think pullet so far- I had a wyandotte that was supposed to be a girl be a boy and I could tell pretty early on, but everyone kept telling me it could still be a pullet.. Honestly it wasn't that hard to tell earlier on, in retrospect. Also- my wyandotte did feather slower, but he ended up being a boy so I don't know that that helps.

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