Generations of love- a chicken story

I, allmychickens, wrote this story with some help from birdherder. It belongs to us, Please ask permission before printing it.
chapter 7

All of the Roo's looked at faith with surprise.
"But i bring you food!"
"I crow the best!"
"I am the strongest!"
Faith pushed through the crowd to sit next to Elliot.
"Why'd ya pick me?" Elliott asked curiously
"Cause you're different"
Elliott smirked
They walked out of the henhouse together and ate their breakfast.

There were lots of scraps today so the coop was madness!
"That breads mine!"
"No it's mine!!"
"Well i have it now!"
Faith and Elliott ate peacefully on the small platform by the perches.
"I want a family!" Faith interupted

to be continued
Epic chapter!!!
chapter 8

2 weeks later.

Faith sat and sat on her LARGE clutch of eggs, 9 total. She was content, she got what she wanted.
She sang and talked to the eggs, hoping they can hear her. Elliott hopped into the henhouse. he dropped a mouthful of scraps in front of her.
"Here you go, So ya don't geet hungry,mate."
faith smiled "thanks."
" I'll be right back!" Elliott said
He left the coop calmly. When he came back he had a mouthful of cold fresh water.
"waha, ohen yo mouf" he gurgled
he walked over and touched her beak
"OH!" she opened wide
He dripped the crystal clear water into her opened beak.
"mmmmmm" faith sighed with joy.
"thank you"
"you are absolutely welcome!" she laughed
Faith slowely backed off the eggs for just a second so that Elliott could see them.
he smiled "they are beautiful."
Faith giggled " I know"

to be continued
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chapter 9

Bang! she heard little paws scurrying around the henhouse This brought back memories of her mother... and the masked creature who took her. She heard the all to familiar laugh. The furry masked face popped up in front of her.
"hello little Faith. We meet again."
Faith ran faster then ever and hid in the bushes. her heart skipped a beat, her body froze...the eggs!
She forced herself to go back in and stand up for her family to be. she jumped on to the racoon's back and bit his ear. He swung around to bite but she held on strong.
she jumped back onto the nest.
"stay away from my eggs!"
The raccoon kept coming forward. She lifted her leg and scratched his nose. A screetch and a yelp filled the whole farm. The raccoon disappeared.
She could hear his devilish voice saying "I'll be back..." then silence
she looked down at her clutch to find only three eggs were left.
"Don't worry little eggs, I will protect you from the mask..."

to be continued
chapter 10

she heard peeps coming from the eggs
"mama mama"
She spent 21 long days sitting on these eggs. And can't wait to get up to get food! CRACK! Out comes a head.
"Mama" the chick giggled.
She squeezed her body through the hole in the egg.
"Maaamaaa" she wobbled over to her mother, faith. faith snuggled her under her wing to dry off.
"MOMMYYYY" another chick screamed from inside of an Egg " He's pushing me!!"
"There's two of you in there?" faith asked surprised
" I'm not pushing you! I'm trying to get out!"
"So am I!!"
faith pecked a little hole in each side of the egg.
" There now you can both get out on your own side!"
" Thanks!" they said simultaneously
They pushed out of the egg and ran to the first chick under faiths wings.
" one more..." Faith said
"It isn't moving mama..." the first chick said
Faith sighed " I know..."
"TADAAAA!!" the chick sayed jumping out of the egg
Elliott came running in. He skidded to a stop.
"Ello Mates!"
"ELLO PAP!" they all replied
"what shall we name them Ell?"
"hmmm chick number will be Sympathy, 2 and 3 will be phill and Lil, and 4 will be Trickster!"
"perfect" faith smiled

to be continued
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