Genetics people I need Help!

I was out of town over the weekend! I was soo happy to see TeresaH's reply this morning! Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to start this spring as well. HOW EXCITING!!! I would love if we could get all the wonderful colors over here. It's not fair letting every one else have all the fun.
Hi Guys

Here is my attempt to post photos - hope it works! Hopefully you will see my young cockerel - he is about 6 months old, some gold laced pullets/hens, and a blue laced gold (this colour is in its infancy here so long way to go but the hen shows good Orp shape). Here goes .....




Beautiful birds. Im just in my infancy of this obsession, but I am truly pulled to the orpingtons, and after seeing the colors from Europe...well, Im smitten! Theresa, those birds are to die for....such color! Ill have to read back thru the thread and understand exactly how you produced these, so you dont have to repeat yourself, but there was one remark you made that I dont understand, and it would be really appreciated by me if you could expound. You said the hen "showed good orp shape". Can you tell me exactly what that means? What shape you are trying for, and what you are trying to avoid? Thanks for all the good info; truly magnificent birds.
Yes Halo, Cynthia has put it in a nutshell. The way I see it - when creating new colours it is necessary to outcross to a different breed to get the colour, but something of the Orpington type is lost in doing so, so then the breeder has to selectively breed to get back the correct Orpington conformation (or outcross back to an Orpington again and then keeping selecting - always trying to perfect both type and colour.

Adam - where are you? Do you like my birds?
LOVELY! Teresa they are beautiful! You are so lucky to have them. Next time I am in the UK I will have to come by and see them in person.

Thank you for sharing.

Now if it would not be too much to ask could we see some photos of your copper marans? PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE.
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Adam - I am so pleased you like my birds:)

I will post a pic of my French Black Copper Maran boy and girl - is this another breed you have not got over there? They lay a big very dark brown egg - even browner than the traditional Maran.

Will get my camera out and post piccies soon - now that I have mastered Photobucket.

You will be very welcome to come and visit - we are in the South West of England about 3 hours drive from London and 1 hour from Bristol.

Best wishes

Good French black coppers are few and far between in North America. I was lucky with mine. The eggs are VERY dark. Many of what you see for Marans here are so badly crossed out to other breeds they lay a pale egg. Most Marans you see here are clean legged.

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