Genetics Question


11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
I know the basics genetics and I know that a female chicken can not look like her mother because she doesen't aquire her sex genes. But if the hen layed the eggs she has to give some biological information to it then right? I know that a male gives his sex chromosone to each egg but the hen only to fifty percent of the eggs the ones that have asex chromosone from each the hen and the cock turn into a male but the male ends up looking like the female. ( I am pretty sure) so the ones that only have the sex chroosone transmiteed by the male turn into females and look like the father. So my question is how to you get showgirls? Turkens crossed with silkies. But if it turns out the way as of above would the birds be homozygous?= same pair Sorry if what I learned was different from the real thing just wondering.
Please help me clear my head.
Tadkerson's post might be interesting reading for you.

A female chicken can look like her mother. It depends on what the mother looks like and what breed the father is. Most genes come from both the mother and the father, but there are a few that a mother only passes to her son, not her daughter. If the mother has certain specific genes that are dominant over what the father has and these genes are specific sex linked genes, then yes the mother only gives those genes to her sons, but she gives a lot of other genes to her daughters. The silver gene and the barred gene are two of these sex linked genes. If the mother is barred and the father is not, but the other genes they give the chicks creates a solid colored but dark chick, then only the males will get the barred gene. You'll see this as a white spot on the head. Or if the mother has a silver gene, which is dominant over the gold gene, and the father contributes gold genes, then the males will be silver and the females reddish. The actual shade of red depends on several different genes.

If the hen contributes a dominant black gene (like the Australorp) and the father contributes a gold gene, then all the chicks will be black, just like the mother. The black gene is not sex linked. But each offspring, while black, would have the recessive gold gene. So if you cross the chicks from that black-gold mating, most, about 75%, would come out black but many, about 25%, would be some shade of reddish. Of course, it is never this simple. The original black offspring could have some red leaking through. It depends on some of those other genes.

I'm not an expert but I believe this to be correct. The main thing is that both parents contribute most genes to both their male and female offspring. Just a few are sex linked.

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